Django OAuth for Github – Datta Able (free product)


Hello coders!

This article mentions the latest features added to Datta Able, an open-source seed project powered by Django. The project has been updated to provide OAuth sign-in using Github, a persistent dark mode (UI improvement), and faster execution in Docker. For newcomers, Django is a powerful backend framework used to code secure and powerful full-stack apps in no time. Thanks for reading!

Adding OAuth sign-in to an existing web app improves the security, and might bootstrap the registration process.

The latest evolutions are visually presented in this short video, published on Youtube.

✨ How to use the product

Being an open-source starter, the fastest way to use or play with the code is to access the public repository (available on GitHub) or use GIT command-line tool to clone the sources. Once the sources are downloaded, Django Datta Able can be started via Docker (using a single line) or using the classic manual build.

This time, the Docker setup will be used, as presented in the project README.

👉 Step 1 – Download the code from the GH repository (using GIT)

$ git clone
$ cd django-datta-able

👉 Step 2 – Start the APP in Docker

$ docker-compose up --build 

Once the above command is finished, we should be able to access the app in the browser:

Django OAuth via GitHub - Widgets Page (free template)

✨ OAuth for GitHub

This feature is automatically enabled on the login page if the Github secrets (GITHUB_ID, GITHUB_SECRET) are provided in the .env file. If the secrets are valid, the login page exposes a GitHub Icon on the login card to inform users that this sign-in option is available.

# Sample '.env' file (truncated content)

# True for development, False for production


# If present, the SignIN exposes the Github Login Button

The effect in the UI is highlighted below:

Django OAuth via GitHub - Option enable.

✨ How to add OAuth to a Django project

In case anyone finds this feature useful and wants to update an existing app, here are the steps:

👉 Step #1 – Update dependencies to include Django-AllAuth

$ pip install django-allauth

For persistence, the module should be also included in the requirements.txt file.

👉 Step #2 – Update project settings to include allauth modules

# core/ (truncated content)

    'allauth',                                 # OAuth new
    'allauth.account',                         # OAuth new
    'allauth.socialaccount',                   # OAuth new 
    'allauth.socialaccount.providers.github',  # OAuth new 
    'allauth.socialaccount.providers.twitter'  # OAuth new  

👉 Step #3 – Added related settings (bottom of the file)

# core/ (truncated content)


SITE_ID = 1 

All these settings are required by the AllAuth library.

👉 Step #4 – Include routing provided by AppAuth

For Django Datta Able this update was made in the authentication/ :

# apps/authentication/ (truncated content)

urlpatterns = [
    path('login/', login_view, name="login"),
    path('register/', register_user, name="register"),
    path("logout/", LogoutView.as_view(), name="logout"),
    path('social_login/', include('allauth.urls')),       # OAuth new

👉 Step #5 – Update app settings to read Github secrets from .env

# core/ (truncated content)

GITHUB_ID     = os.getenv('GITHUB_ID', None)
GITHUB_AUTH   = GITHUB_SECRET is not None and GITHUB_ID is not None

👉 Step #6 – Update the sign-in page

{% if GITHUB_AUTH %}
method="post" action=""> {% csrf_token %}
class="mx-1">Sign IN with GitHub
{% endif %}

At this point, the last step is to migrate the database the test the OAuth flow (registration, logout).

Thanks for reading! For more resources and support, please access:

Datta Able Django - Free starter provided by AppSeed.

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