Day: September 1, 2022
15 posts
What is a Static Site Generator?
So you’ve decided you’d like a static website. Great news! Let’s dig into the tools we use to…
Setting up a local Apache Kafka instance for testing
I recently started digging into Apache Kafka for a project I’m working on at work. The more I…
How to become a self taught developer
As we enter a technology-driven era, students no longer have to attend certain graduation programs to become well-versed…
DIY multi-regional uptime monitoring with and Uptime Kuma
Two things happened recently that led to this post: Heroku had a DNS problem (incident#2453, and many websites…
What are No-Code Platforms?
Here’s how to get started with tools that let you build software without writing any code As organizations…
Getting out of the junior level comfort zone …
Boy it’s been quite a couple of months for me. I am back from months of inactivity due…
Cuber is now open source: deploy your apps to K8s with 1 command
I am happy to announce that after several months of work, I have decided to release Cuber as…
Day 6: Python Functions & Karel
Today’s Lesson This article should be short and sweet. There weren’t any assignments for this day so It…
Decision Trees: A Simple Tool to Make Radically Better Decisions
Have you ever made a high-stakes decision? If yes, did you contemplate for some time before landing on…
Simplified O.O.P : Abstraction in Python
Introduction In previous post , Simplified: Object-oriented Programming Python, I promised to get into details on abstraction. The…