Day: October 30, 2022
11 posts
Who will win the 2022 Brazilian Presidential Election?, according to statistics.
Tomorrow, A new President will be elected to lead the Federative Republic of Brazil, since this has become…
VueJs Beginners part 2 – Methods
To add methods to a component instance we use the methods option. we can define them the way…
Use NextJS Server Side Pre-Rendering like a boss !🔥
So you want to get better at pre-rendering your components ? You’ve come in the right place! The…
10 Reasons to Become a Front-End Developer
What does a frontend developer do? A front-end developer is responsible for the client side of web applications.…
Predict Diamond prices with SQL Alchemy and MindsDB
Introduction In this tutorial, we will learn how to create, train and query a machine-learning model using a…
25 Projects For Beginner to Advanced Developers With Free Tutorials
Finding right tutorials when learning is crucial, coz you don’t want to spend time on tutorials that are…
DNS 101
What is DNS? DNS or Domain Name System exists to resolve a domain (i.e. to an IP…
Navbar with background blur! Aesthetic look in 2 lines of code .
The one thing I always do when I begin a project is to add a navbar with background…
user is not allowed to do action [insert] on [nodeMongoCrud.use]
এই এররটা অনেকে ফেইস করতেছেন আজকে। এইটা সমাধান করার জন্য প্রথমে আপনি mongodb তে লগইন করবেন। তারপর সাইডবার…
Code Smell 174 – Class Name in Attributes
Redundancy in names is a bad smell. Names should be contextual TL;DR: Don’t prefix your attributes with your…