Day: October 26, 2022
26 posts
What display: grid does?
In my experience, a lot of problems with CSS happen because developers have problems understanding the display property.…
Credit card chips and encryption in plain JavaScript
Your current credit card can be used in four different ways: Typing in the card number. We’ve been…
TDD: What’s your React-ion?
TL:DR; If our tests are defined by our requirements, we know our application is behaving in the agreed…
When do you think is the most optimal time to post on DEV? 🤔
Since we released article scheduling as a new feature (props to @lightalloy 🙌), I’ve been wondering when the…
Performance Considerations for Memory Leaks: An Android Cookbook
A quick reference guide loosely based on “Programming Kotlin with Android: Programming Kotlin with Android” Out in the wild,…
Remember to enjoy it
It’s always been important to me to enjoy whatever I’m doing. Whether it’s work, a side project, writing…
Git: Renaming a Branch
Git branches are an easy way to manage our code, and separate our copies of our code when…
Git Merge: Merging Changes from other Branches
Git provides a powerful tool by letting us create branches. When our branch is done, we’ll often want…
Top 7 Featured DEV Posts from the Past Week
Every Tuesday we round up the previous week’s top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of…