Day: October 17, 2022
19 posts
HotReload with Ruby on Rails 7
Hi Folks, Just published a small article about the hot-reload in Ruby on Rails 7 on medium. Hope…
Javascript Array Filter Method
The filter method in Javascript creates a shallow copy of an array, filtering it based on a number…
The Essential SDLC Security Checklist
Cybersecurity threats are evolving faster than technologies and software development processes, and with each new application a user…
Bitcoin Signatures From Scratch (4/4): ECDSA Implementation in Python Using Zero Dependencies
The series consists of four parts; each part uses the concepts discovered in the previous parts: The Magic…
Bitcoin Signatures From Scratch (3/4): Using The Magic of Elliptic Curves to Sign and Verify Messages
The series consists of four parts; each part uses the concepts discovered in the previous parts: The Magic…
Bitcoin Signatures From Scratch (2/4): The Magic of Elliptic Curves Combined with Finite Fields
The series consists of four parts; each part uses the concepts discovered in the previous parts: The Magic…
Bitcoin Signatures From Scratch (1/4): The Magic of Elliptic Curves
Intro to Series Elliptic curves are very simple. The Elliptic Curves Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is the crucial…
FLiP Stack Weekly #53 ApachePulsar #ApacheFlink #Spring #DeltaLake #CDC #SQL OpenSource #ApacheBookeeper #ApacheCon #Containers If you get the chance, please choose…