WazirX Content Team
35 posts
[July] ML Community — Highlights and Achievements
[July] ML Community — Highlights and Achievements Let’s explore highlights and accomplishments of the vast Google Machine Learning communities over…
#43 - Find the Difference Between Two Strings
Problem description & analysis: In the Excel table below, both column A and column B contain semicolon-separated strings:…
An Introduction to SQL Stored Procedures
SQL stored procedures simplify repetitive tasks and enhance database performance. This article introduces you to stored procedures, their…
Hiteshwar shares his thoughts on being an SRE
Hiteshwar is an SRE based out of Mumbai, India. His area of specialization is in distributed systems. He…
Sunday Rewind: 7 habits of highly effective product operations
This 2022 post from Dragonboat CEO Becky Flint runs through the essential characteristics that a product ops manager…
For Engineers in a Hurry: A Guide for Implementing Security
Introduction I’m sure that, when trying to be a solopreneur or create your own side projects, time constraints…
An inside look at the product job market
Lots of layoffs, an oversupply of candidates, disruption from artificial intelligence, what are job prospects currently like for…
Unlocking the Decentralized Future: Exploring Web3 Technology 🔓
In the constantly evolving digital landscape, a new era of the internet is on the horizon, one that…
SaaS Multi-Tenant e RBAC com Next.js: Uma Abordagem Moderna para a Gestão de Acessos
Com a ascensão do Software como Serviço (SaaS), empresas de todos os tamanhos estão migrando para a nuvem…
Day 4 — Azure Open AI: Setup Azure AI Search Solution
A day dedicated to Azure Open AI, focusing on harnessing Azure AI Search for document indexing and enrichment…