5 Selected Platforms To Find Web3 Jobs In 2024


The long-awaited crypto/web3 bull run is here and it’s truly an awesome time to be in the web3 space.

With Bitcoin hitting a new all-time high of over $70K, and the general web3 space doing quite well for a while now, the potential
of getting hired as a blockchain/web3 professional is now higher.

Whether you’re from a technical web3 background or not, this is a great time to put your acts together and make the best
of all your efforts towards securing your next web3 job.

In this article, I’m listing out 5 carefully hand-picked web3 platforms where you can find web3 jobs in 2024. These platforms
were carefully selected based on different relevant criteria to prevent this article from becoming just another spam “X platforms to find web3 jobs” article.

Below are the “5 Selected Platforms to help you find web3 jobs in 2024”.

1. Web.career

screenshot from the web3.career website

Web3.career is a web3 jobs platform that I’ve been using personally.

Somehow, this platform has made itself a stand-out platform when it comes to finding web3 jobs. It’s Probably the most popular web3
jobs platform currently available.

Even though I generally haven’t had the best experience with using the platform, I trust that it’s still one of the best platforms to
help you find your next web3 job in 2024.

Do check it out and explore your chances.

Link: Web.career

2. CryptoJobsList

screenshot from the CryptoJobsList website

CryptoJobsList, is one of the most impressive web3 jobs platforms you will find out there. From a beautiful user interface to the
highly professional service offerings on the platform, CryptoJobsList almost made it to number 1 in this article.

There’s even more.

The platform goes way beyond with a dedicated Telegram channel(currently having over 10K subscribers). With Telegram,
you can certainly receive notifications about new job postings all on the go.

You can also find links on the platform to help you access their bot provisions for Telegram and Discord.

In all, CryptoJobsList is one of the best platforms to help you get a web3 job as fast and as conveniently as possible.

I highly recommend CryptoJobsList.

Link: CryptoJobsList

3. Wellfound(Web3)

screenshot from the Wellfound website

I bet you never knew that Wellfound(formerly “AngelistList Talent”) has a dedicated web3 section on their web platform.

Well, now you know!

Wellfound remains one of the most popular and well-established job platforms on the planet. With a section dedicated to web3, this helps streamline your search and makes the process of finding web3-only jobs much easier compared to a platform like Linkedin.

Wellfound boasts of helping top web3 companies like Opensea and Uniswap, in building
their engineering teams. Wellfound is definitely one of the best platforms to try out if you wish to find a top web3 job in 2024.

Link: Wellfound(Web3)

4. Calyptus

screenshot from the the Calyptus website

Calyptus is another web3 platform to help you find your next web3 job in 2024.

Beyond just jobs, Calyptus is a more vast platform that provides educational support by providing various web3 resources to users.

I added Calyptus to this list thanks to how active the platform is with regards to hiring on Linkedin.

You can also follow Calyptus on Linkedin to increase of your chances of securing that next web3 role.

Wishing you all the best.

Link: Calyptus

5. LinkedIn

Image description

And yes, LinkedIn made it into the list.

LinkedIn remains one of the best platforms to find web3 jobs at the moment. The most important
point that accounts for that is the fact that LinkedIn is the most popular professional/job-based social media platform currently
available. By effectively combining the ability to easily connect with the recruiter/job poster, You can easily apply cold-emailing
strategies and further increase your chances of getting hired.

LinkedIn might not be the perfect place to find the most web3 jobs, but it certainly remains one of the most important.

Go ahead and hop on Linkedin, build your profile, connect with other professionals in the web3 space, and engage and apply for jobs.

Wishing you all the best.

Link: Linkedin


There you have it folks – “5 awesome platforms to help you find web3 jobs in 2024”.

I’m confident that this article will be one you remember as a result of how it enabled you explore the web3 jobs platform that finally lands you your next web3 role.

I hope it does.

Thanks for reading.


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