Day: April 27, 2024
10 posts
Earth Day Celebration “CSS only – NO JavaScript
This is a submission for Frontend Challenge v24.04.17, Glam Up My Markup: Earth Day Celebration Landing Page What…
Bitcoin Whitepaper but easier
While the entire world was busy being amused by the infamous Balloon Boy incident, the tech world was…
Library for Machine learning and quantum computing
Machine learning PyTorch TensorFlow Keras Quantum computing Qiskit Cirq Braket Azure Quantum Pennylane Qulacs QURI Parts
Exploring the Future of Gaming: The Rise of Cloud Gaming Technology
Exploring the Future of Gaming: The Rise of Cloud Gaming Technology In recent years, the gaming industry has…
Ansible Basics: Your First HelloWorld Playbook 🚀
Overview 👋 In this blog post, we’ll introduce Ansible, explore its core concepts, and walk through the process…
Combining SEO Data to Make Smarter Marketing Decisions — Whiteboard Friday
Join us in this Whiteboard Friday as we delve into the art of combining various data sources. Discover…
Key Considerations When Selecting a Machine Vision Lens
In this article we survey key considerations when making a lens selection. Of course, your lensing professional will…
Using Custom React hooks in NextJS?
Before we start… What are Custom React Hooks Exactly? At the heart of custom hooks lies the concept…
LeT’s CoNtRoL YoU tO HeLp Me
This is a submission for the Coze AI Bot Challenge: Bot Innovator. What I Built Demo Your Configuration…
Caption This! 🤔💭
Ready to unleash your inner wordsmith? We need your wit to crack the code behind this picture-perfect scene.…