Day: April 22, 2024
17 posts
このJavaコードは、switchステートメントを使って文字列strの値に基づいて異なる操作をすることを意図しています。しかし、strが初期化されていないため、その値はnullです。switchステートメントはnull値を扱うことができないため、実行時にNullPointerExceptionが発生します。それを踏まえて、コードにコメントを追加して説明します。コメントを追加するには、行に対して直接説明を書きます。以下がその例です: public class Sample { // strはクラスレベルの変数で初期値はnull static String str; public static void main(String[] args) { // switch文にはstrが渡されるが、strはnullなのでNullPointerExceptionが投げられる…
You screwed your git history? Don’t panic!
Using git is a long journey. I’m still learning things even after a decade of using it daily…
Google Makes It Official: Content Marketing Is Now the #1 Ranking Factor
Google’s thrown down the gauntlet: Content marketing is king of the SEO hill. If your business has been…
What is a PMM’s role in a pure PLG company?
A year ago, I was given the opportunity to work as a Product Marketing Manager (PMM) for a…
Javascript Recursion
A recursive function in Javascript is a function that calls itself over and over until a certain base…
The Role of DAOs in Decentralized Finance, Governance, and Beyond
Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) have become the cornerstone of the decentralized ecosystem, offering a unique approach to governance,…
Why Supply Chain Automation is Necessary for Business Growth?
Table of Contents What is Supply Chain Automation? Why is Supply Chain Automation Necessary? 5 Benefits of Supply…
Building a Support Network: Nurturing Connections for ADHD Learners (7/12)
Introduction: Welcome back to our 12-part series dedicated to supporting ADHD learners and individuals with similar learning differences.…
6 Short-Form Video Trends Marketers Should Watch in 2024 [New Data]
I see short-form videos everywhere nowadays. And now, as platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, Google, LinkedIn,…
#OpenToWork: Are LinkedIn Photo Frames Actually Helpful?
Welcome to HubSpot Perspectives, a series where HubSpotters weigh in on the latest business and marketing trends. “The…