How Iryna Wagner got her product marketing job at WhatsApp


How Iryna Wagner got her 
  product marketing job at WhatsApp

In this episode of Product Marketing Maestros, guest Iryna Wager, Product Marketing Manager at WhatsApp discusses her strategy for transitioning from a traditional industry to big tech – in her case, WhatsApp. 

She emphasizes the importance of demonstrating a fit between the individual and the company, understanding industry-specific frameworks, being humble, and showcasing transferable experiences. 

Key takeaways:

  • Prepare for big tech interviews even more intensely than needed, learning common frameworks used
  • Identify transferable experiences from previous roles and build mini-cases around them
  • Understand how the company thinks about its products and position experiences accordingly
  • Be willing to start in a junior role and prove your value over time for advancement opportunities

About the guest

Iryna Wager, Product Marketing Manager at WhatsApp

With a diverse background spanning 12 years in advertising, consumer marketing, and product innovation, Iryna Wagner, the PMM Lead at WhatsApp, has seamlessly pivoted into the realm of Big Tech, where she has spent the last six years excelling as a Product Marketing Manager.

During her tenure at Microsoft in Seattle, Iryna spearheaded the Go-To-Market Adoption strategy for Microsoft 365, skillfully piloting groundbreaking initiatives to drive the widespread adoption of Microsoft Teams across the organization.

Currently, at WhatsApp’s London office, Iryna has played a pivotal role in developing cutting-edge products and features that bridge the gap between businesses and consumers, enabling seamless communication directly through the WhatsApp platform.

Iryna’s multifaceted expertise and ability to navigate the technological landscape have positioned her as a driving force in the industry, consistently delivering innovative solutions that enhance user experiences and foster meaningful connections.

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Stay tuned for more episodes of Product Marketing Maestros: Tales From the Front Lines.

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