New training: Change Management Workshop


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As project managers, most of us know how important it is to make sure that what we deliver is actually useful and used by the people we deliver it for.

That’s where change management comes in.

Have you ever wished someone could give you the secret to dealing with resistance to change?

Me too!

I’m sorry to say there isn’t a secret exactly. It’s more a collection of best practices, real-world advice and tried-and-tested strategies for speedy and stress-free change management.

And I’ve gathered them altogether for you.

Want to learn more about change management? Join my new workshop.

Dates: 8, 9, 10 May.

Time: Each day we meet on Zoom at 7.30pm UK time (2.30pm EST).

Cost: US$60. Option available to pay in GBP as well.

Does change management feel woolly to you?

Change management is arguably the most important thing to securing a successful delivery, but most organizations don’t have change managers so project managers have to do it all.

And we have enough things to do. You don’t have time to learn a whole new discipline, and what does it even look like to ‘do’ change management anyway?

That’s why I put together the Change Management Workshop.

It’s a live course that gives you:

  • a simple process for doing change management
  • tools and techniques for delivering changes
  • templates and conversation starters to help you plan
  • 3 (small) homework assignments so you can put your knowledge into practice straight away
  • guidance on where to put your effort to get the most impact
  • time within our calls so all your questions get answered!
Elizabeth Harrin wearing a pink scarf

Why learn with me?

I’m the author of Communicating Change, and I’ve been leading business and tech projects for over 20 years. I’m an APM Fellow and a mentor, and I still work as a practitioner alongside my writing and training.

Buy now

Prefer to pay in UK Sterling? Pay in GBP here.

What past students say



Module 1: Change basics

In this lesson you’ll learn why change management is essential to project success and the differences between change management and project management. We’ll talk about the benefits of reducing resistance to change and how change management really is your secret weapon to having huge impact with your project.

Module 2: Process and planning

In this lesson you’ll learn about 6 different change management approaches including Lewin, Kotter and BEE. I’ll break down the essentials for a practical process you can use at work. We’ll cover how to plan our change engagement so that you know what you’re doing and why, and have a good idea about how it will turn out.

You’ll get some ‘plug and play’ conversation starters to help build your change plan.

Module 3: Tools for change management

In this lesson you’ll learn about tools and techniques for delivering change, across the plan, deliver and sustain phases of change. We’ll look at how you choose tools to best fit with your project, stakeholders and the organizational maturity of your business.

Other resources

Inside the course website, you’ll also find the replays of the training sessions when these are available, copies of the slides, templates to help you get started and other resources to help you take your learning further.


Here are some FAQ to help you decide if it’s the right training for you.

What’s the time commitment?

Overall, the time commitment is 3 hours, plus any extra time you spend working on assignments.

When are the live teachings held?

8, 9, 10 May at 7.30pm UK time.

What’s the background of participants?

I expect most of the people who will be on the course with you will be early or mid-career professionals working in project delivery/project management roles.

Normally at my courses we get a good mix of people at various stages in their careers and from different industries.

What about if I work in an Agile team?

Change management is still necessary, even if you are delivering your product using an agile approach. If there is no one taking the lead on engaging with stakeholders or end uses to make sure they can see the benefit and use the thing when it’s delivered, then this will help.

Having said that, agile teams are normally excellent at embedding end users in the delivery team. It might be your business user reps who would benefit more from the training as they have to cascade and share the project with their wider colleague group.

Can I claim PDUs?

Yes. I will give you an attendance certificate that you can use as evidence for your portfolio. However, I am not a registered PMI authorized trainer.

Can I claim the cost through my company?

Yes. Get in touch and I can send you an invoice.

What’s the cancellation/refund policy?

If you choose not to attend, you can get a refund up until we start the live sessions. I will not be able to refund you after 8 May.

When will you be running this training again?

I don’t know! I haven’t run it since 2020 (at least, that’s what my notes tell me) so it might be a while before it comes round on the rotation again.

This article first appeared at Rebel’s Guide to Project Management

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