Understanding Semantics html


Power of Semantics html

When it comes to making information easy to understand for everyone, it’s important to use semantic HTML. Semantic HTML uses tags that accurately represent the meaning of content, making it easier for screen readers and search engines to understand. This approach helps structure web content effectively.

While divs with ids are still used for different purposes, relying solely on them for styling can result in unstructured and difficult-to-read code.

Semantic HTML provides a more modern approach by using elements that accurately represent the meaning of content, making it easier for everyone to understand.

What is Semantic HTML

When we talk about semantics, we’re referring to the meaning of a word or phrase. In the context of HTML, the term ‘semantic’ refers to a coding technique that uses elements to clearly define the structure and purpose of a web page. This helps to improve both accessibility and SEO by making it easier for screen readers and search engines to understand and index the content.

Examples of some Semantics HTML element

Element Name Purpose Positioning Content

describe the header of webpage or section top of the page but can be elsewhere logo, search form, nav links etc

Define navigation menu Header of page List of links for page navigation
Define main content of webpage Body of Page Text, images, tables, videos, forms

Define distinct sections of content body of page Text, images, videos, or other elements that form a coherent section

Define supplementary information that is related to the main content but not part of it Great! Just to recap, the It can be placed on the left, right, top, or bottom of the page or within the margin but should not replace navigation links Text, images, videos, or other elements that form a related but separate piece of information

Define independent piece of content that could stand on its own body of page Text, images, videos, or other elements that comprise a self-contained article

Define additional information to a section of content Within a section or article Text, images, or other content that is shown when a user clicks to “open” the details
Define emphasized text within a section within a section or article Text that is emphasized with styling, such as bold or italics, to draw the user’s attention

Define an image, video, or other media content in a section or article within a section or article Image, video, or other media content with an optional caption
Define a caption for a figure Within a element, as a child element Text describing the image, video, or other media content in a figure

Define a summary of a details element Within a element, as a child elements Text summarizing the contents of a details element when it is collapsed
Define a date and/or time in a machine-readable format Anywhere within the document A valid date and/or time, in a machine-readable format

Define website information and resources Bottom of page, but can be elsewhere Company name, copyright information, contact details etc

Example of html Semantic syntax

Example of html semantic syntax

Nb: This is just an example, you can decide to structure it anyway you prefer.

Codes illustrating html semantics.

In the example above, the

element is used to define the header section of a webpage, while the

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