Day: November 17, 2023
15 posts
Learn to code in 5 steps, and 3 habits, Hello folks,
When you begin learning code and be on your first steps, You are very curious to write every…
JavaScript From 0 to Mastery (if you ask me)
Okay, so you have some background in programming, but JavaScript still seems a little scary. Or maybe you’re…
Dark Mode Duck and other CSS Ducks.
“DarkMode Duck, let’s git superfluous.“ Last week I made a Rubber Duck using CSS and HTML. Here are…
Analysts are personas too: Best practices to develop your analyst relations strategy
This article is based on a presentation given by Andrew Keating at the Product Marketing Summit in Denver.…
O problema de SQL que quase me enlouqueceu
Estou me preparando para algumas vagas de Engenheiro de Dados e para isso, é claro, eu preciso dominar…
8 Must-Have Tips for Writing Landing Page Copy That Converts
Conversion copywriters — the people who write landing page copy that converts readers and delivers sales — are…
22 Examples of Nostalgia Marketing that Make Customers Feel Good
Nostalgia marketing is the advertising equivalent of comfort food. In a time where most marketing focuses heavily on…
Community Managers: What They Do & How to Be a Great One
X (formerly Twitter), with its 237.8 million daily active users, is a platform with a ton of potential…
9 must-know B2C product marketing strategies to boost growth
In today’s highly competitive B2C landscape, you need to employ strategic and customer-centric approaches to drive sustainable growth. …
Implementing AI in your projects: how to start and improve
If you are like many project professionals, you have likely worked with artificial intelligence (AI) in some capacity.…