SvelteKit 1.0 coming already?


I guess lots of SvelteKit funs have noticed an early September 2022 announcement that SvelteKit is in its release candidate phase:

❗ expect bugs!
✔️ no more planned breaking changes
✔️ countdown to a stable release
❌ feature-complete
❌ tutorials

Watch the announcement and track progress towards 1.0 for more details.

So how is the progress as of the mid/end of October 2022?

There are 23 open issues of 1.0 milestone 😎

SvelteKit 1.0 open issues of 1.0 milestone

There are 15 open issues labeled “p1-important” 😁

SvelteKit 1.0 open issues labeled "p1-important"

There are only 3 open issues of 1.0 milestone and labeled “p1-important” 😂

SvelteKit 1.0 open issues of 1.0 milestone and labeled "p1-important"

But hold your breath 😫
There are 4 open issues labeled “breaking-change” 😟

SvelteKit 1.0 open issues labeled "breaking-change"

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