Free watermarks in your photos?


Hi there,
I was picturing Airsoft game and since I’m in a Airsoft team I wanted to add some free ad of our tiny sweet team.
I was browsing for totally free website tool to add some watermarks on these pictures. But none of them were actually free. Some of them allow only 10 per task and while I’ve got 650+ pictures it’s kind useless. Or some of them can do every picture by once, but on the end the asked me for money to download it.
So, I texted to my dear friend @meldiron and he found a solution to my little problem called ImageMagick.

By owners of CLI

“ImageMagick is free software delivered as a ready-to-run binary distribution or as source code that you may use, copy, modify, and distribute in both open and proprietary applications. It is distributed under a derived Apache 2.0 license.”

Final solution

I’ve downloaded ImageMagick CLI and just type command to loop all sub files in folder and add watermark by command

for /f %a IN ('dir /b /s "C:UsersDesktopfoto*.jpg"') do magick composite -gravity SouthWest F:GraphicsTHOflag_www.png %a %a

I hope this might help some nerds here.

PS: some example of two watermarks in one picture
Image description

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