All about Game Developer



That the technology industry offers many acting possibilities you probably already know. But today we will talk a little about one of the most promising professions of today that is that of Game Developer.

In recent years, the game market has been established as the largest entertainment industry, with movements that exceeded $ 174 billion and promises to grow even more in the coming years.

In addition to being promising, the numbers make it clear that there will be no shortage of opportunities for those who want to embark on this universe. So if your eyes shine with the development of games, it’s time to know a little, but about this profession.

Throughout this article, I will tell you some things you need to know to enter the area and succeed as a game developer.

Come check it out!

What does a Developer game do?

As its name implies, the game developer is the professional specializing in game writing.

In other words, it is he who dominates the programming languages needed to build an interactive experience and those who write all the codes that make a game work correctly.

In practice, it is up to the game developer to define how the characters will move throughout the game and at what speed the game will run. In addition to performing a series of code reviews and tests to solve any bug that may arise along the way.

If you have a favorite game that borders on perfection, you have a lot to thank this professional. After all, it is he who makes a good part of the magic happens.

difference between game developer and game designer

Before we continue talking about Game Developer’s career, we need to clarify a doubt.

The difference between these two professionals who although they work in close collaboration have very different responsibilities.

While the game developer is responsible for writing thousands of lines of code that make the game work. The game designer is the one who takes care of the creative part of all these processes.

It is he who helps define all the details that will be part of the game, including not only the aesthetic part, but also the behaviors of the characters and the rules. The game designer offers the necessary guidelines for developers to do their work.

What does it take to become a game developer?

Now that you have opened what is the main mission of a game developer, you must be wondering what you need to master to work in the area.

Firstly, it is important to know now that the game development area is for those who like to do a thorough job. After all, any mistake in typing the code can compromise the performance of the game or generate rework and delay in the project.

To succeed in the profession, it is also important to master the most used programming languages in this type of development. Like C, C ++, C# and Java, and the key tools for function performance, such as Unity 3D, Unreal and Directx.

Finally, the ability to work well in a team will also make all the difference, as Game Developer needs to work in collaboration with many other professionals.

How to become a game developer?

As you have seen so far, Game Developer’s career demands solid knowledge about programming. It’s time to understand where you can start developing to enter the area.

Well, today, many Brazilian universities and colleges already offer a degree in digital games. With an average duration of 2.5 years, the course is focused on creating, development and testing of various types, as well as addressing project management.

Other options for those who want to enter this market are the Faculties of Computer Science and Engineering. In addition, you can find many other complementary courses that will contribute to your learning journey on the technical part.

One thing is certain, with the growing warming of this market, which is not lacking are alternatives for those who want to professionalize in the area.

How much does a Developer Game earn?

This is a question that does not want to silence. How much is the salary of a game developer?

Well, the answer to this question depends on some variables, such as the time -performance experience, the company’s location.

But not to leave you in the dark, we will present an estimate of how much a game developer earns in Brazil.

  • * Junior Game Developer: R $ 4,000 **

The junior professional is the one who is starting his trajectory in the area and has the minimum experience necessary to perform programming functions considered basic.

  • * Full Game Developer: R $ 6,160 **

The full developer is the one who has been working in the area for at least five years. Besides having experience in projects of various types.

  • * Senior Game Developer: R $ 11,437 **

Usually, senior level programmers have more than eight years of experience in the area and very high knowledge, as well as the ability to delegate tasks and develop new talents.

Remembering that the values presented can change (for less or more) depending on the company.

Remembering that the game development area also offers many job opportunities abroad.

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