This week in DevRel: Building Momentum and Making Investments in Events and Initiatives


Well, the week started off strong, but I forgot that Monday is a holiday in the US and I’ve been battling some kind of stomach bug. So I didn’t accomplish my 60-day plan, but a lot of it is worked out in various snippets of notes and ideas in my head. What I did accomplish this week was building up to some pretty exciting initiatives we’re going to be taking on as part of the Deepgram DevRel Team.

Forum Prep

I’m super excited about having a space to engage with our Community and finding ways to learn, support, and grow together. As part of this, I’m setting up a structure and schedule and finding ways to make connections with our existing audience, and I’m very happy to say you’ll see some fun things soon. I spent quite a bit of time identifying ways to engage our community, what power-ups I could use for GitHub discussions, and researching how other communities are using it. And there may even be some contests 👀

Teammate Reviews

It’s that time of year where we review each other. I got to talk about how amazing my teammates are and how I appreciate their support of the remote-first work ethic. I’m lucky I get to learn from others who always make me feel comfortable asking questions.

Reviewed Blog Posts

This is actually one of my favorite things to do and I got to do it three times this week. I reviewed the PRs by making sure the writing was clear and that the code worked. The bonus part is that I get to see all these cool things we can do with Deepgram, like this post about identifying uninclusive language.

Educational Institution Brainstorm

This one is near and dear to my heart because I spent ten years teaching college English. I love the idea of setting students up for success by providing them with resources and guides to support their learning journey and bringing them into the Deepgram Community. This is one that’s going to take some time, but I’ve got ideas working about how it can integrate into what I’m doing in the other parts of my job.

Welp, those of the top things I worked on, but I also started some Hacktoberfest prep for our repos 🎉, it is Preptember after all. If you want to chat about Preptember, you should check out the VirtualCoffeeIO chat.

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