What are No-Code Platforms?


Here’s how to get started with tools that let you build software without writing any code

As organizations search for ways to bring products to market faster, no-code development is becoming ever more popular and essential. These types of tools make software development accessible to a wider range of people, regardless of computer science experience, allowing anyone the opportunity to bring their ideas to reality. Keep reading to learn about the importance of no-code programming, some high-profile examples of no-code tools, and more.

Jump to a section…

  • What is No-Code Development?
  • The History of the No-Code Movement
  • What are Some Examples of No-Code Platforms?

    • Bubble
    • Composer Pro
    • DuploCloud
    • HoneyCode
  • No-Code Cloud-Based Development from DuploCloud

What is No-Code Development?

The answer to “what is no-code development” is simple, though the work that goes into making the tools function is anything but. In short, no-code platforms allow users to create applications through simple graphical user interfaces, all without ever writing any code. Even creators with no pre-existing knowledge of software development can make their own fully functional programs.

To meet G2’s standards for the category, a No-Code Development Platform must:

  • Offer drag-and-drop or point-and-click elements to assemble applications
  • Allow non-developers and non-technical users to build applications
  • Integrate with databases, web services, or APIs to connect data

No-code platforms may allow users to select from templates and navigate simple menus to further customize applications to their needs, much the same way that Microsoft PowerPoint allows presenters to start with the big picture then tweak and insert details. No-code tools can be used for crafting interactive forms, creating online payment processing portals, designing websites, providing infrastructure for cloud-based development, and beyond.

The History of the No-Code Movement

In the early days of personal computing, hardware manufacturers and software developers alike realized the importance of reducing barriers to entry. The easier it was for people to create software, the more people would want to buy a computer to realize their visions.

Early software like Microsoft Excel or HyperCard from Apple in the mid-1980s paved the way forward for no-code development environments. Both programs gave users a way to process complex tasks — data sets in the case of Excel and software development with HyperCard — with little to no programming experience required. Web browsers came onto the market in the early 1990s, letting users navigate the rapidly expanding World Wide Web with easy-to-remember uniform resource locators (URLs). Programs such as Microsoft FrontPage and Adobe Dreamweaver soon allowed virtually anyone to build a website, regardless of their coding capabilities.

The rise of Software as a Service in the 2010s and today inspired a fresh approach to no-code platforms, helping a new generation of creatives, development teams, and business owners realize their ideas. Gartner predicts that 80% of technological products and services will be built by non-programmers by 2024, thanks to no-code environments.

DuploCloud is already working to make the no-code future a reality. Find out more by reading our whitepaper about how DuploCloud’s No-Code DevOps automation platform helps organizations deploy applications 10x faster and reduce costs by 75%.

What are Some Examples of No-Code Platforms?

If you’d like to try no-code programming for yourself or your teams, here are four prominent examples to start with.

Jump to a platform…

  • Bubble – Application Development
  • Composer Pro – Application Development
  • DuploCloud – Cloud Infrastructure Development
  • HoneyCode – Application Development

Bubble no-code platform


by Bubble Group, Inc.
Website: bubble.io

Bubble lets users create SaaS platforms, marketplaces, and CRMs without code, right from their browsers. Bubble hosts all web apps on its cloud platform.

AppGyver Composer Pro no-code platform

Composer Pro

by AppGyver, Inc.
Website: www.appgyver.com

AppGyver is the world’s first professional no-code platform, and it supports building apps for a range of form factors, including mobile, desktop, browser, and TV.

DuploCloud no-code platform


by DuploCloud, Inc.
Website: duplocloud.com

DuploCloud offers no-code and low-code automated cloud infrastructure provisioning with built-in security and continual compliance.

Amazon HoneyCode no-code platform


by Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Website: www.honeycode.aws

Amazon HoneyCode is built to quickly create applications that simplify the way your team works. No programming required.

No-Code Cloud-Based Development from DuploCloud

A severe skill-demand gap exists between organizations with great ideas for cloud-based applications and the resources required to build them. There simply aren’t enough cloud development experts available, making staffing up DevOps teams both expensive and time-consuming.

DuploCloud’s DevOps-as-a-Service platform allows teams to automate the provisioning of resources, integrate CI/CD pipelines, and maintain compliance and security standards. This can reduce configuration and deployment times from six months to as little as two weeks. Contact us today to schedule a demo and see how DuploCloud can make cloud-based development easier for your organization with no-code infrastructure automation.

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