Day: August 8, 2022
21 posts
Going International: 15 SEO Steps for a Successful Expansion
Introduction Expanding your business internationally is an excellent way to grow and scale your company. However, deciding to…
Creating a URL Shortener service in Python Django
URL shorteners have become a popular service on the web. Companies like bitly are making great fortunes from…
6 Big mistakes most beginner software engineers make 🙁 – I wish I knew this when I started programming 😢
Every master was once a beginner. And every pro began as an amateur. ~ quote by Robin Sharma…
VPN vs VPS: What is the Difference?
VPN and VPS sound so similar, yet one letter makes a big difference. In this blog, we’ll explore…
[PT-BR] Functional Interfaces, a fundação para a programação funcional com Java
No último post vimos como implementar o pattern EAM (Execute Around Method) no Java através das Lambdas Expressions,…
Which JS loop is fast?
Hello Guys Today i will discuss which loop among “for”,”while” and “do-while” is faster? I am comparing only…
What is an example of how an application can anticipate user behavior?
This is an anonymous question sent in by a member who does not want their name disclosed. Please…
Tabbing Tactfully
Try your hand at HOCUS :FOCUS or spend today tabbing instead of your typical mouse navigation. Frustrating? Let’s…
Non-standard Flutter custom bottom navigation bar
Are you tired of the usual navigation solutions in Flutter apps? I have something to show you 😎…
Setting up a Mac for Development
I recently (July 2022) wiped and reloaded my MacBook Pro with macOS Monterey. I documented my process and…