Day: August 20, 2022
10 posts
A Arquitetura simples
Disclaimer: Os exemplos usados aqui embora baseados em projetos reais são de minha autoria. Eu simplifico/altero alguns detalhes…
Github Copilot trial ends, now what?
If you’re a student or a maintainer for popular open source projects, GitHub Copilot remains free. Otherwise, pay…
Arquitetura de Sistemas Operacionais #0
A partir deste post, eu irei destrinchar e explicar o que eu entendo do livro Arquitetura de Sistemas…
This is my entry for a writing challenge that is hosted on hashnode, so pls click on this…
Advertise your blog here in the comments.
I want a place where we can collectively post our personal websites so others can link to it.…
How to Write a Great Resume
Resume Screeners Resume screeners look for the same things that interviewers do. They want to know that you’re…
Coding Period GSoC’22 | Week 7 + 8 + 9
I will share my progress for Weeks 7, 8 and 9 in this blog. Journey so far For…
Linux series: ll, ls, and related aliases
Most of the time when you’re listing the contents of the directory, you’re interested in more than just…
[Desafio] – Front-end: Scroll Infinito
Conteúdo original em Ei dev front-end, É chegada a hora de mais um desafio para o fortalecimento…
How to connect AWS RDS with MySQL Workbench application.
What is AWS RDS? Amazon RDS is a Relational Database Cloud Service. Amazon RDS creates multiple instances for…