Should I use Nginx or Apache Server?


Both Nginx and Apache are popular webservers that are used to host applications and websites on the world wide web.

While Nginx and apache offer tremendous benefits, their capabilities could vary based on how each of them handle things like:

Dynamic content handling by Nginx

Dynamic content are website elements or features that are generated on-the-fly in response to user interactions or other external factors. Unlike static content, which remains the same every time it is accessed, dynamic content can change based on various conditions, such as user input, database queries, or system events.

Nginx is known for being efficient in handling dyanmic content compared to apache webserver. This is because Nginx uses an event-driven and asynchronous architecture. Nginx efficiently manages and processes incoming connections and requests without relying on a separate thread or process for each connection.

It utilizes an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, where a single worker process can handle multiple connections concurr. When Nginx receives a request, it initiates non-blocking I/O operations to read or write data from sockets, file descriptors, or upstream servers.

RECOMMENDED READING: How to optimize performance in Nginx

Instead of waiting for these operations to complete, Nginx continues to process other requests or events, maximizing resource utilization and responsiveness.

Dynamic Content Handling by Apache Server

On the other hand, Apache web server is not particularly good at handling dynamic content. This is because it uses a multi-process multi-threaded architecture and so it processes each request in a separate thread or process, which can consume more system resources, especially under heavy loads.

Howver, to be able to increase apache’s capabilities to handle dynamic content, you will need to implement a couple performance tunning techniques


Scalability is an important aspect and feature when it comes to webservers. This capability makes it possible to increase the potential of your webserver infrastructure so the growing traffic needs are served efficiently.
Both Nginx and apache offers the potential to scale up the deployment using load balancing techniques.
The Nginginx load balancer is widely used in enterprise-grade application deployment scenarios. on the hand, Apache’s load balancer can be activated using the mod_proxy and mod_proxy_balancer modules.

If your traffic is growing, you will need to scale your webserver infrastructure to avoid unexpected downtime due to resource depletion. Of course, both Nginx and Apache can be scaled effectively, but Nginx is generally considered easier to implement for large-scale deployments due to its event-driven architecture and lightweight design.

Configuration and setup

Nginx is widely known for being easier to set up compared to Apache. This is because Nginx syntax is easier to manipulate.However, Apache’s configuration complexity comes from the fact that it relies on additional modules for customization. Apache is not so begginer-friendly when it comes to setting and customize its functionality.

Resource Consumpation

The Apache Webserver is known for being resource-intensive, especially when dealing with dynamic content handling. This is because each request requires a separate process or thread that runs in the background, taking more server resources.
Nginx on the other hand has been documented for being reource-efficient due to its event-driven and asynchronous architecture.

RECOMMENDED READING: How does Nginx compare to Apache Server?

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