“The program’s diverse cohort fostered meaningful connections” – PMM Scholar Program with Pratham Sharma


“The program’s diverse cohort fostered meaningful connections” - PMM Scholar Program with Pratham Sharma

Pratham Sharma, Co-Founder and Product Manager at Neutrify, is an electronics engineer turned R&D Software Engineer turned “product person.” He has 3+ of professional experience and has built many zero-to-one and scalable products across domains from ed-tech, climate, and software IT. 

He’s always been fascinated by the business side of the products. So, when the opportunity arose to sign up for the PMM Scholar Program, he jumped at the chance! 

Join us in our chat with Pratham about his experience with the program, including:

  • How he found out about the program
  • What his motivation was for enrolling
  • What he enjoyed most about the program
  • What topics he found most insightful
  • What type of resources/activities he found the most helpful
  • How he utilized the resources/learnings in his work
  • How this program has helped him network
  • How the program compared to other programs
  • Advice for those considering enrolling in the Scholar program

How did you find out about the PMM Scholar Program?

I discovered the PMM Scholar Program through my involvement in various product communities. While searching for product management communities online, I came across the Product Led Alliance community. 

And then during my exploration of The Alliance website – the parent organization of both Product Led Alliance and Product Marketing Alliance (PMA)- I became an insider member of PMA, and I found the community intriguing. 

Consequently, I joined the PMA Slack community, which stood out to me for a number of reasons: not only was it free, it was easily the most active of the communities. I appreciated the community’s high engagement and the dedicated community managers for each segment under The Alliance. 

I subscribed to the free monthly newsletter and eagerly participated in open AMAs and events. Eventually, I was redirected to the PMA website via email, where I discovered the Product Marketing Scholar Program, and then applied and was accepted. My journey with PMA began from there.

What was your motivation for enrolling in this program?

My background in electronics engineering and previous roles as a Research and Development Software Engineer and Technical Product Manager had primarily focused on technical software development and product building. 

However, I harbored a keen interest in understanding how companies effectively market their products, generate excitement through compelling copywriting, and persuade users to engage or purchase. Having collaborated with Product Marketing Managers in previous organizations and doing exactly the same thing at my startup, I found a gap, and I felt the need to nourish this area. 

I questioned myself as most PMMs that I worked with typically have MBAs, others were content writers before, or had business education majors. Having none of that and still getting accepted into the program gave me confidence, and I challenged myself to break that barrier and fill the gap. 

Also, I sought to leverage my technical expertise in marketing, particularly in the B2B realm. Basically, getting the expertise and nourishing the skills of technical knowledge and then translating and communicating with business language was something I was initially seeking. 

Enrolling in the PMM Scholar Program presented an opportunity to delve into product marketing management and broaden my career prospects in this domain.

What did you enjoy most about the PMM Scholar Program?

It’s challenging to pinpoint a singular aspect of the program that stood out, as every facet – from classes to mentorship sessions – contributed to its excellence. 

One highlight was our instructor, Div Manickam, who incorporated brief two minute mindfulness sessions into our cohort sessions, providing a valuable pause amidst our busy schedules. 

Additionally, Div’s curated TEDx talks, directly or indirectly related to product marketing, added depth to our discussions. 

Beyond that, I appreciated Div’s willingness to share resources, stories, and insights from her personal experience, resources and learnings that her previous mentees shared with her, enriching our learning journey and going way ahead to answer all queries, be they silly or relevant/irrelevant.

Which topic have you found the most insightful and useful?

The “Essay/Writing” module proved to be both insightful and challenging for me at the same time. Despite initial apprehension about crafting a 2000+ word article without prior experience in product marketing management, I found this task immensely beneficial. 

I chose to explore various communities in product marketing, platforms for mock interview practice, mentorship opportunities, and even established my own community, MockMeister

The article, which was a part of the coursework, still serves and will serve as a valuable resource for aspiring and current PMMs, supplementing the knowledge provided by PMA. In the final article that I wrote, I put in many hours of work and research, and it turned out very useful. Even my mentor Div appreciated it. 

I went one step ahead and created a series of posts on LinkedIn that can help PMMs in my network. A lot of people appreciated my work and found it super helpful. 

At the same time, I liked the “Communication” module after the “Writing” Module, which helped me to interview PMM leaders and learn more about their expertise and what’s going on in the industry.

What type of resources/activities have you found the most helpful?

Weekly mentorship sessions and virtual local events have been particularly beneficial for me. These engagements not only kept me motivated but also facilitated networking with PMM leaders worldwide, each offering unique expertise and insights. 

Last but not least, separate community access for everyone in our cohort; I loved it as it turned out to be a medium to ask questions and stay engaged after our weekly mentorship calls throughout our program.

How have you utilized the resources or your learnings in your work?

I’ve applied the learnings from the program, particularly in positioning and messaging, to my current role at Neutrify, a startup. This includes refining our product’s positioning and messaging to resonate effectively with both B2B and B2C customers.

Has this program helped you to network? If so, how, and have you built any new connections?

Absolutely! The program’s diverse cohort, despite varying time zones, fostered meaningful connections. I made a conscious effort to attend every session, building relationships with fellow cohort members and learning from their experiences and expertise to industry knowledge. 

I was fortunate enough to establish an accountability partnership with someone in my cohort, which ensured the completion of coursework timely and asking questions and discussing topics with them.

How do you see the value of this program in comparison to other professional programs you’re part of?

Unlike other programs, which may focus solely on specific topics or offer one-on-one mentorship at a high cost, the PMM Scholar Program provides a comprehensive learning experience with community and mentor support. 

Its well-rounded curriculum, video (OnDemand and live sessions), coupled with the supportive community, distinguishes it as an exceptional opportunity for aspiring PMMs.

What would you say to fellow PMMs considering enrolling in PMA’s PMM scholar program?

Consistency is key. Make the most of every mentorship session and prioritize completing coursework regularly to maximize learning and networking opportunities. 

Embrace the program and its community wholeheartedly – it’s a unique chance to elevate your skills and expand your professional network. You would want to make sure to keep a balance with learning, networking, and focusing on coursework, too.

Any final thoughts or comments you’d like to share about your experience?

Stay curious and embrace new learning opportunities. The PMM Scholar Program opened doors to the world of PMM for me, for which I’m incredibly grateful. If you weren’t accepted into the recent cohort, don’t be discouraged – consider reapplying. You never know what opportunities may arise. 

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or for a virtual coffee chat, whether to discuss PMM, food, hiking, or dogs. Let’s keep learning and growing together!

Apply to be in our next cohort!

Twice a year, we open the doors to 25 new or aspiring product marketers and put them through a part-time, 12-week program. By the end, you’ll have all the knowledge, tools, and training needed to start a successful career in product marketing.

But it doesn’t stop there. By being part of our Scholar Program, you’ll automatically be put in front of leading hiring companies, primed to kickstart your career in style.

What you get when you’re accepted: 

🔖 Product marketing certification (providing you pass the exams)

👩‍💻 Live, weekly workshops with industry leaders

✅ Marked, practical tasks to test your learning

👣 A platform to build your personal portfolio

🌎 Exposure to some of the world’s biggest brands

🔥 Official accreditation from the industry’s go-to association (aka, us!)

🆓 All of the above for free (worth $3,500 RRP)

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