Day: February 17, 2024
8 posts
Benchmark: Snowflake vs UUIDv4
This benchmark compares the performance of Snowflake and UUID. It was built using Go, Docker, SQLx, and PostgreSQL.…
🏁🐘Winning Race Conditions With PostgreSQL
Race conditions suck! They can be extremely difficult to debug, and often only occur naturally in production at…
Top 10 Things You Should Avoid While Healthcare App Coding: Valuable Tips for Programmers
Healthcare app development is a critical and complex task that requires precision and attention to detail. As a…
What Design Tool Should I Use?
Today is day 17 of my 29 Days of Open Source Alternatives series, where I’ll be exploring open…
Django Signals mastery
Django signals are a form of signal dispatching mechanisms that allow senders to notify a set of receivers…
Phase 3 at Flatiron (Python)
Phase 3 intro: As I embark on Phase 3 of learning journey, Python takes center stage, opening doors…
What The Hell is “Monkey Patching”? + 11 Software Development Terms ⚡️🙌
👇 Believe It Or Not! This list will prove to be helpful despite of whether you’re new to…