How to get un-stuck while coding?


Here are some things which I do to get un-stuck:

  • Keep the current task (which got you stuck in the first place) on hold and start another easier task. This way your active brain is working on the easier task whereas the passive brain keeps working on the hard task in the background and in no time you will have a solution.
  • Use websites like StackOverflow and Github to solve your errors.
  • You can also use YouTube to find solutions to the errors that you are facing.
  • Go for a walk so that the passive brain can solve the problem that the active problem is unable to solve.
  • You can also take a nap or shower.
  • Use AI tools like ChatGPT or Bard.
  • Get help from your peers or colleagues, sometimes just explaining the problem to someone else will give you the solution.

What do you do to get un-stuck while coding? Let us know in the comments!

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