How to write a well-written README


Often, the README is the first impression people get when they access your repository. Writing a well-written README is crucial for open-source projects, personal side projects, or workplace tasks to help contributors and users understand. Here’s a blueprint to help you craft a README:

1. Project Title

The name of your app/project

Image description

2. Overview

Description of the project

Image description

3. Features

Key things your project can do (I usually add images or GIFs, too)

Image description

Image description

4. Installation

Step-by-step instructions on how to run your project

Image description

5. Dependencies

Show what your project is built on

Image description

6. Optional Additions

  • Table of Contents (for longer READMEs)
  • Features that will be added
  • Ways to contribute
  • License
  • Changelog (A history of changes made to the project)

Tip! Use Markdown actively🧚🏼‍♀️

If you are familiar with Markdown, it’s much easier when you write your README. Markdown is a method to style web text, like making lists, increasing text size, bold, etc. There are a lot of resources for Markdown. Here are a few recommended resources:

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