How AI helped me prepare for a product marketing interview


How AI helped me prepare for a product marketing interview

AI is everywhere these days. It seems like every week thereโ€™s a product launch from a company announcing their new AI feature or product. And although I consider myself to be an early adopter of new tools, and liked playing around with some AI tools, I still couldnโ€™t find a valuable use case for ChatGPT or other generative AI tools.

That changed recently.

In the last few months, Iโ€™ve been interviewing for product marketing roles. I applied to a security startup and was invited to interview. While I donโ€™t have experience in security, the company seemed interesting and I had transferable product marketing skills.

I prepared for the call with the recruiter and researched the company and concepts like CI/CD pipeline, โ€œshifting left,โ€ vulnerabilities, plus new acronyms like SAST and SCA. I was starting to feel a bit anxious since these terms were all new to me.

However, the recruiter call went well. The questions werenโ€™t technical and the recruiter was more interested in my background and skills than my experience in security or knowledge of the tool. He told me I moved on to the next round with the hiring manager.

He did mention that the hiring manager was going to test my technical knowledge. Iโ€™ve worked with some technical products in previous roles, but I was starting to feel like this was a bit over my head.ย 

I thought that AI might be able to assist me with this interview. Whatโ€™s the worst that could happen?

I had used ChatGPT, Bard, Dall-E, and other AI tools, but always for fun, never with a specific goal. I opened ChatGPT and started to ask about terms that were unfamiliar to me in preparation for my upcoming interview.

Some queries I wrote were simple like, โ€œWhat is a CI/CD pipeline?โ€ but then I asked ChatGPT some more hard-hitting questions about the companyโ€™s value proposition and how it compared to the competition. This was helpful, as it gave me fairly accurate answers in a matter of seconds.

After researching and preparing for my interview (using not only ChatGPT but also Product Marketing Allianceโ€™s resources) I was confident and knew enough about the product, company, and space for my second round with the hiring manager. We didnโ€™t go into much detail about the product and focused mainly on my experience. We had a great conversation and I learned that I moved on to the next round.

So far, so good!ย 

The third round was a take-home assignment. These assignments are becoming the norm for product marketing roles. The prompt was to write a press release about an existing open-source product and commercialize it. I was once again feeling somewhat nervous about this task not having experience in the security space. I did some research but didnโ€™t know how to start. I turned to ChatGPT once again for assistance.

I asked ChatGPT to provide a list of potential names for a company using that open-source product. I selected one of the names that I liked and then asked ChatGPT to write a press release. The prompt was, โ€œWrite an outline for a press release for [company], a company that is launching a new SCA tool (from the [open source product]) [link to the page].โ€

ChatGPT wrote a decent outline. I found myself starting to write the draft from that outline. I reviewed it with a few people I trust and the final version sounded like a real press release for a real company.

I submitted the assignment.

Andโ€ฆ They were impressed! Onwards to the fourth round.

The fourth round was a go-to-market presentation based on that new product to a panel (hiring manager, product manager, and the VP of Marketing).ย 

ChatGPT had helped me get this far but it might still be useful for this next round. I had to launch a new product into the market so I had to do a lot of research.

I needed to answer a few questions: How will I position this new product? How am I going to commercialize it? Who are the competitors? Who are the buyers and what does their journey look like? I used ChatGPT to ask these questions and more and soon started to form an outline for my GTM plan.

I couldnโ€™t ask ChatGPT to help me build the presentation. I used a template from Pitch and tailored it for the interview. I presented the plan to a few PMM leaders and got incredible feedback. I used the feedback to improve my presentation and presented it to the panel. I rehearsed it a few more times. By the time of the actual presentation, I must have rehearsed about 10 times so I felt pretty good about it. Whatever happened, I was happy that I gave it my best shot.

Unfortunately, I didnโ€™t move on, but thanks to AI tools like ChatGPT, I thought of things I didnโ€™t before and came up with ideas that helped me get pretty far with this interview.

To recap, AI helped me by:

  • Choosing a company name
  • Researching the security market
  • Understanding new acronyms like SAST and SCA
  • Figuring out potential pain points and challenges of the target persona, the security engineer
  • Coming up with a first draft for a press release

By asking the right questions (โ€œpromptingโ€), you can use AI to your advantage and increase your chances of success in your next interview.ย 

Iโ€™d be curious to hear your stories of how you have leveraged AI in your work. Let me know in the comments!

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