Steps to mastery: First steps in mastering competitive intelligence


Steps to mastery: First steps in mastering competitive intelligence

Want the definitive playbook on the competitive intelligence function? Want tried and true methods, templates, and frameworks you can apply to your role today?

You’ve come to the right place.

We decided to bring you selected lessons from our Competitive Intelligence Certified: Masters course at no cost, so you can get a taste of what it’s like to be CI Certified.

Skills and frameworks for confident, impactful competitive programs.

Ever feel like your work in competitive intel is harder than it needs to be? Like it lacks a certain something? Ever thought there must be a better way to do it?

We’re here to tell you there is.

Grab your free copy of this eBook and take your competitive intelligence program from chaotic to supersonic.

Inside we cover:

💪 How to set up your listening stack to gather competitive intel with ruthless efficiency, giving you more time to analyze, enable, inform, and become the champion of the business.

🔎 How to set up win/loss interviews to unveil the powerful reasons why customers aren’t choosing you, even if you’ve got no time or resources.

📣 How to deliver a competitive news briefing that gets people talking, no matter which set of stakeholders you serve.

Did we mention this eBook costs you nothing? 😏

What are you waiting for? Grab your copy now. 👇

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