Learner of the Month, March 2023 | Minesh Patel, Vertex Inc


Learner of the Month, March 2023 | Minesh Patel, Vertex Inc

This month, we’re celebrating the incredible achievement of Minesh Patel, Senior Manager of Product Marketing at Vertex Inc.

Minesh has been awarded the prestigious Learner of the Month title at Product Marketing Alliance, a recognition that highlights his outstanding dedication and commitment to advancing his skills and knowledge in the field of product marketing.

In this interview, we’ll explore:

  • Minesh’s journey to becoming a leading expert in product marketing,
  • What Minesh found most beneficial from the PMA courses he took,
  • The impact that his achievements have had on his organization,
  • His advice for those looking to enroll in similar courses, and
  • What’s next for Minesh in his career.

Through this case study, we hope to provide insights into the importance of continuous learning and growth, and how it can help professionals excel in their careers and make meaningful contributions to their organizations.

Join us as we delve into the story of Minesh Patel, a true champion of learning and achievement in product marketing.

Minesh’s PMM career to date

Tell us about your marketing career to date and how you got into product marketing

“I entered the product marketing role about three years ago, after spending over eight years in sales. I’ve held this role across two different organizations.

“With my first company, it was all trial and error and learning fundamentals by doing, failing, and learning. Three years later, in my new company, I’m helping to build and grow the PMM function to help deliver world-class software for businesses of all sizes.  

“I’m always learning about the market and the needs of our customers while keeping the PMA learnings in mind to help craft a story and refine our go-to-market processes. My organization is building a better team, process, and track record of success, partly due to my learning and collaborations.”

What Minesh finds most beneficial from the PMA courses

What did you find most beneficial from the courses?

Storytelling Certified: Masters was, by far, my favorite. The templates and frameworks that PMA provides have helped me start refining our process, but take the templates and create standardization from them. We‘ve adapted some of them based on what works for our business.”

How Minesh has implemented what he’s learned into his role

Do you have any examples of how you’ve implemented what you’ve learned into your day-to-day role?

“I used the storytelling class to learn the fundamentals of not only how to tell a story but convey our product’s value proposition. I’m in the process of revamping our product roadmap through that storytelling lens.”

Advice for those looking to enroll

What advice would you give to others thinking about enrolling in a course?

“Don’t wait, don’t hesitate. It’s well worth the investment for your own professional growth.”

What’s next for Minesh?

What’s next for you in your PMM career?

“I’m looking to transition into a leadership role or a product strategy role.”

Join Minesh and get Storytelling Certified

Led by Elliott Rayner, CMO at ARION, Storytelling Certified: Masters is an industry-standard, self-paced curriculum designed to help you understand the science behind stories that sell.

Whether you’re just starting out in product marketing, or simply looking to refine your knowledge of communicating and resonating with your customers on a deeper level, this certification is crammed with the knowledge to equip you with the relevant product marketing skills to create impactful and successful product narratives.

By the end of the course, you’ll learn how to:

✅ Construct an actionable storytelling framework.
✅ Communicate to your audience with confidence and passion.
✅ Use your purpose to ensure your story remains consistent.
✅ Have an impactful change on your product’s success.

Get Storytelling Certified

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