Ghost Cloud


Overview of My Submission

Ghost Cloud is an online platform for sharing files, and its a cloud-first microservices application. Once someone uploads a file it becomes publicly available in the platform and other persons can also view and save it. With the help of redis, tasks like file compression and uploading are completely asynchronous and Event Driven for the user.

The application consists of 5-tier microservices. That are performing various tasks.

Submission Category:

Inspired by Microservice Mavens




| Home
Home Page

| View File
View File

| Save File Page

Save file

| Upload File

Upload file

Language Used

  • Python
  • Javascript

Find the code here-

YouTube Explaination

YouTube Video


Solo by @ankitbrijwasi

More Information about Redis Stack

Here some resources to help you quickly get started using Redis Stack. If you still have questions, feel free to ask them in the Redis Discord or on Twitter.

Getting Started

  1. Sign up for a free Redis Cloud account using this link and use the Redis Stack database in the cloud.
  2. Based on the language/framework you want to use, you will find the following client libraries:

The above videos and guides should be enough to get you started in your desired language/framework. From there you can expand and develop your app. Use the resources below to help guide you further:

  1. Developer Hub – The main developer page for Redis, where you can find information on building using Redis with sample projects, guides, and tutorials.
  2. Redis Stack getting started page – Lists all the Redis Stack features. From there you can find relevant docs and tutorials for all the capabilities of Redis Stack.
  3. Redis Rediscover – Provides use-cases for Redis as well as real-world examples and educational material
  4. RedisInsight – Desktop GUI tool – Use this to connect to Redis to visually see the data. It also has a CLI inside it that lets you send Redis CLI commands. It also has a profiler so you can see commands that are run on your Redis instance in real-time
  5. Youtube Videos

Happy Coding


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