Smart India Hackathon 22 winners


The winner for problem statement NR1174 is… team 01 Hum Bhi Bana Lenge, the moment we heard this statement from the juries, we could not resist our emotions, tears in our eyes, people congratulating us all over the path to the stage and receiving a prize of one lakh, The last night was overwhelming.

From strangers to the best team ever the journey was remarkable. It all started on 13th December 2021 me searching for teammates, and finally found the final team Vinit Hanabar, Ishika Jain, Prince Thakkar, Janvi Kumari, Dheeraj Gajula, after many rejections and firing. There were approximately 600 problem statements and had no clue to select PS. Luckily seniors at Point Blank chose 20 PS and gave it to us. I knew that neither I nor my teammates were technically strong, so we chose a PS that involves a lot of critical thinking and innovation in terms of solutions that can be implemented with the tech that we are familiar with. As I was part of IEDC DSCE I did know some of the business strategies, marketing and how startups work. With all these we choose the PS that aims to increase the efficiency of courts and reduce the timeline of pendency of cases. We usually had meets @10 pm and sometimes it continued till 3am in morning, In all those meets we discussed more about the users-what they need, will they use our product, how to market it than the technical implementation, we submitted our ppt to SIH and was waiting for results which were declared in phases, we were checking the website 2 times a day and finally we got to know that we are selected for finals in the final phase of announcement.

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Since all the team members stay in PG and different parts of Bangalore, we needed a common working place, so we requested ISE Hod Dr. Uday Kumar Reddy for space to work. To our surprise sir gave his new cabin for us to work, then we started to work and concentrated on technical implementation still keeping our end users in mind. We worked from 9am in the morning to 7pm in the evening, the hustle was real with a lot of fun. With all of these said ,we didn’t have working model even one weak before finals, Yes we were scared, stressed and broke lot of times like others but we didn’t give up even once as a team. The good part of team is they cared each other and nevertheless the obstacles at least one person in the team was energized at any given time, and lead the others. We came to ACS college, Bangalore on 25th of August and took a good sleep for the finals on the next day.

SIH’22 finals started on 26th August, we gave our pitch in the first evaluation round, jury members were impressed, and we were working on the minute changes told by juries, 2nd evolution round happened, and we were literally crying, as we didn’t answer the questions, ml models were failing to deploy on cloud, backend api which was working till yesterday was not working, changes in frontend was not reflected in production. We called all the seniors we knew from IEDC DSCE, Point Blank and friends at Google Developer Student Club – DSI and spent the entire night on fixing this, Luckily we fixed most of this bugs but still we had some, 3rd and final evaluation was about to happen at 5pm and we pitched our best with the existing product .After evaluation we went to interact with all the teams, We had dinner and were waiting for results and rest is history.

We thank all the parents, friends, seniors, faculties, mentor Shubam Kumar Nigam, our SPOC Vindhya Malagi, principal Dr. C.P.S Prakash college and Mic for their support and help in all the terms and our mentoring panel Ganesh sir and Shruthi mam for their advice and support.

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