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5 posts
How to Write Better User Stories With Gherkins (Template Included)
User stories are an Agile technique that defines product functionality and requirements. They focus on telling a story…
SaaS Trials: Credit Card vs. No Credit Card – What Should You Choose?
Free trial with or without credit – When does it make sense? We asked Paweł Paluch, Strategic Partnership…
Analytics For Product Managers: What to Track and How to Act Upon Data
Is there such a thing as analytics for product managers? Data analytics is a must for every team…
12 Best User Engagement Tools to Improve Retention in SaaS
Today, we’re going to learn about user engagement, share with you the 12 best customer engagement tools out…
How to Announce Product Updates Successfully
In a world of improving technologies and evolving customer needs, product updates are necessary if you must keep…