Open the examples
file, create a
file, and copy the last iteration of the project code. Clear the critical section
inside the loop
You may also delete the wfi
We want to pan the PTZ kit through clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) swathes alternatively.
The Relay table from the previous part shows that to pan CW we need to enable Relay 1 while 2 is disabled.
Table of contents
- Requirements
- Connections
- Pan
- Results
- 1 x Raspberry Pico board
- 1 x USB Cable type 2.0
- 1 x HC-05 Bluetooth module
- 18 x M-M Jumper Wires
- 2 x Mini Breadboards
- 2 x SG90 Servo Motor
- 1 x PTZ Kit
- 2 x Relay Modules
The servos are here fitted into the PTZ kit.
For CW movement Relay 1 is enabled while 2 is disabled.
// Move servo CW: Relay 1 ON, Relay 2 OFF
sio.gpio_out.modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(r.gpio_out().bits() | 1 << 16)});// Set pin 16 high
sio.gpio_out().modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(r.gpio_out().bits() & !(1 << 17))});// Set pin 17 low
For CCW movement Relay 1 is disabled while 2 is enabled.
// Move servo CCW: Relay 2 ON, Relay 1 OFF
sio.gpio_out().modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(r.gpio_out().bits() | 1 << 17)});// Set pin 17 high
sio.gpio_out().modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(r.gpio_out().bits() & !(1 << 16))});// Set pin 16 low
The above can be combined into a single pan function like so:
fn pan(delay: &mut Delay, sio: &mut SIO, direction: Direction) {
match direction {
Direction::Cw => {
// Move servo CW: Relay 1 ON, Relay 2 OFF
sio.gpio_out().modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(r.gpio_out().bits() | 1 << 16)});// Set pin 16 high
delay.delay_ms(10);// delay
// Put servo OFF
sio.gpio_out().modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(r.gpio_out().bits() & !(1 << 16))});// Set pin 16 low
sio.gpio_out().modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(r.gpio_out().bits() & !(1 << 17))});// Set pin 17 low
Direction::Ccw => {
// Move servo CCW: Relay 2 ON, Relay 1 OFF
sio.gpio_out().modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(r.gpio_out().bits() | 1 << 17)});// Set pin 17 high
delay.delay_ms(10);// delay
// Put servo OFF
sio.gpio_out().modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(r.gpio_out().bits() & !(1 << 16))});// Set pin 16 low
sio.gpio_out().modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(r.gpio_out().bits() & !(1 << 17))});// Set pin 17 low
_ => {},
The pan
function moves the servo either CW or CCW depending on the selected direction for 10 milliseconds. Add it into our code.
Since we’ll be using SIO
to un/set the relay control pins we need to operate inside a critical section as the application loop
shares it with the interrupts.
Add the following into the loop
cortex_m::interrupt::free(|cs| {
let mut sio = SIO.borrow(cs).borrow_mut();
for i in 0..=100 {
pan(&mut delay, sio.as_mut().unwrap(), Direction::Cw);
if i == 100 {
for _ in (0..=100).rev() {
pan(&mut delay, sio.as_mut().unwrap(), Direction::Ccw);
❗ Comment out the
function call at the set up area.
We end up with this final copy of our code.
Running the code in the Pico should pan the servo clockwise and counterclockwise.
You may note again that the indication LED blinks at well after 1 second. This is caused by the
function we’ve introduced which blocks interrupts.
In the next part we apply these added functions to the main project program