Introduction to PWA, TWA, and IWA


In web development, there’s a constant quest: how to deliver better user experiences, regardless of the device or platform.

This way, developers constantly come up with new ways to build web apps. As for today, some popular methods include Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Trusted Web Activity (TWA), and Isolated Web Apps (IWA).

Knowing the details of each method is important for those business owners who want to make sure their apps will work well for all kinds of users and situations.

What Are Progressive Web Applications (PWA)?

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are a mix of regular websites and mobile apps. They use modern web technology to give users an experience similar to a phone, such as working without the internet, sending push notifications, and adjusting to different screen sizes.

What Are Progressive Web Applications

Pros of PWAs:

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Progressive Web Application development implies using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This means they work well on different platforms and devices, such as computers, phones, and tablets.
  • Offline Functionality: Thanks to caching assets and content, PWAs can work even if there’s no internet connection or the connection is weak.
  • Better Performance: PWAs respond quickly and provide the same user experience as regular apps.
  • Interactive Tools: PWAs can employ features like push notifications to reconnect with users and bring them back to the app.
  • Cost Savings: Making one PWA for multiple platforms is cheaper than creating individual native apps for each platform.

Cons of PWAs

  • Restricted Device Access: PWAs can use some device features like location tracking, camera, and push notifications, but they may have less access than native apps.
  • Differences in Browser Support: How well PWAs work can differ depending on the browser you’re using and its version. Some features might not work fully or might act differently, causing the user experience to vary between platforms and devices.
  • Performance Limits: Even though PWAs try to be as fast as possible, they might still have trouble performing well, especially on older devices or in places without much computing power.
  • Difficulty in Being Found: Unlike regular apps, PWAs struggle to get noticed. While search engines can detect them, they might not get as much attention or promotion as native apps do.
  • Limited Monetization: Making money from PWAs can be tough compared to regular apps, as they don’t not support things like in-app purchases, subscriptions, or showing ads.

What Is a TWA?

Trusted Web Activity (TWA) lets developers show their web content in a separate Android app using a special Chrome browser. In other words, TWAs blend web and regular app experiences, letting users engage with web content inside a regular app setup.

Cons of PWAs

Pros of TWA

  • Built-In Web: Trusted Web Activities lets you put web content into regular Android apps.
  • Access to Native Features: TWAs can access lots of native Android features and APIs, including camera, geolocation, push notifications, and device hardware.
  • Discoverability: Trusted Web Activities can be put on the Google Play Store just like regular apps, which makes them easier for people to find and use.
  • Simpler Development: Trusted Web Activities allows developers to use codebases they’ve already made and reduce the need for platform-specific web-based development.

Cons of TWA:

  • Only for Android: Trusted Web Activities are just for Android, so you can’t use them to make apps for other systems like iOS.
  • Complicated Setup: Getting Trusted Web Activities ready involves more steps and setup compared to making regular web or regular apps.
  • Reliance on Google Play Services: Trusted Web Activities need Google Play Services to work right, including push notifications, location tracking, and signing in.

What Are Isolated Web Apps (IWA)?

Isolated Web Apps (IWAs) create a safe space for running web apps all by themselves, separate from the browser. They make a little world where web apps can work on their own without needing much help from outside.

Pros of IWA:

  • Better Safety: Isolated Web Apps work in a specially protected area, like a box, which makes them safer than regular web apps.
  • Native-Like Experience: IWAs give you an experience that feels just like using a regular app because they use the same look and feel as your device’s usual apps.
  • Access to Device Features: IWAs can use many different device features and tools, just like regular apps.
  • Works Without Internet: Thanks to service workers and caching to save content and tasks, IWAs can function even if you’re not online.

Cons of IWA

  • Platform Dependency: Isolated Web Apps are typically developed for specific platforms, such as iOS or Android, leading to platform dependency.
  • Limited Platform Reach: Since IWAs are platform-specific, they may not reach users on other platforms.
  • Fragmentation: Making IWAs for many platforms can lead to them being split up, so you might have different versions of the app running on different systems.
  • Extra Work: Making and taking care of separate Isolated Web Apps for each system means developers have to handle different sets of code, tools, and updates for each one.

Factors Influencing the Choice of Approach

When picking how to make a web app — be it PWA, TWA, or IWA — it’s crucial to consider several key things:

Introduction to PWA

Target Audience and Platform Preferences

Figure out what devices and systems your audience uses. For instance, if your audience mostly uses Android, then Trusted Web Activity might be the best choice. But if you want something that works on all platforms, Progressive Web App is a good fit.

Required Features and Capabilities

Think about what your app must do. TWA is a good pick if you want to use many device features like the camera or notifications. But if you don’t need to connect deeply with the device, then Progressive Web App or Isolated Web App would be better.

Development Resources and Budget

Consider what you have available for making the app: time, money, and people. Progressive Web App development is usually the cheapest choice. TWA and Isolated Web App development can cost more, especially if you need extra features and security.

Long-Term Maintenance and Scalability

Think about which method will be easiest to keep up and grow your app in the long run. Progressive Web App is often seen as the simplest to expand. Trusted Web Activity and Isolated Web App can also grow well if you plan them right, but they need more work to put together and update.


Developer Expertise and Infrastructure

Consider how experienced your team is. If they know a lot about web technologies, then Progressive Web App or Isolated Web App are better choices.

PWA, TWA, or IWA: Making the Final Decision

Deciding on PWA, TWA, or IWA relies on what you want to achieve with your project. PWAs are great for reaching many users. TWAs connect closely with regular apps. IWAs give extra security and control. Before you decide, consider what each one offers and what you might have to give up.


Progressive Web Applications (PWAs), Trusted Web Activity (TWA), and Isolated Web Apps (IWA) are different ways to make web apps, each with its own good and tough parts.

By knowing what each one does, you can select the best option for your next development project and give your users great experiences on all kinds of devices.

Ready to implement the best approach for your web-based application? Contact SCAND today for expert guidance and development assistance.

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