When and why to delay a product launch, passing the mic, and a fresh start, with Collin Mayjack, PMM at Dataro


When and why to delay a product launch, passing the mic, and a fresh start, with Collin Mayjack, PMM at Dataro

In the 100th episode of Product Marketing Life, host Mark Assini bids farewell and hands over the reins to new host, Collin Mayjack, PMM at Dataro.

The pair discuss Collin’s experience as a product marketing manager, when and why to delay a product launch, and what he’s looking forward to as the new host of the series.

A message from Mark Assini

In this, our 100th episode, I’m joined by Collin Mayjack, Product Marketing Manager at Dataro. Collin is an emerging voice in the product marketing space, sharing the insights and learnings he’s gained from his early days as a product marketer. 

This episode is also a very special one, as it marks my last time behind the microphone as host of the Product Marketing Life podcast. It’s been an incredible two and a half years across almost 70 episodes and I can’t thank enough the team at the PMA, my incredible guests, and you the listener, for allowing me to do something I really love, meeting and learning from incredibly talented product marketers.

What makes this episode even more meaningful is that Collin will be taking over as host from here on out. During our chat, Collin outlines his passion for product marketing and why he’s excited to lead the hosting charge moving forward. Collin also demonstrates his own product marketing chops, sharing his point of view on when and why to delay a product launch.

About Collin Mayjack

Collin lives a happy life in Nashville with his wife of 10 years and two young children.

He says that nothing in his life pointed toward working in B2B SaaS and coins himself as an “accidental product marketer”. But with this, he feels a personal investment to help people make career transitions – especially in tech.

And what better way to do that than becoming the brand new host of Product Marketing Life? Welcome Collin! 🎉

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Don’t miss a beat – you can catch all of your favorite product marketing episodes right here: Product Marketing Life.

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