DynamicLoaderJS – Load content into web pages without page refresh



DynamicLoaderJS is a lightweight JavaScript library that enables dynamic loading of content into web pages without page refresh. It provides a simple and flexible way to update specific sections of a website, such as the main content area, header, or footer, without reloading the entire page.

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DynamicLoaderJS is a lightweight JavaScript library that enables dynamic loading of content into web pages without page refresh. It provides a simple and flexible way to update specific sections of a website, such as the main content area, header, or footer, without reloading the entire page.


DynamicLoaderJS is a lightweight JavaScript library that enables dynamic loading of content into web pages without page refresh. It provides a simple and flexible way to update specific sections of a website, such as the main content area, header, or footer, without reloading the entire page.

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Table of Contents


  • Dynamic loading of content into HTML elements
  • Smooth animation effects during content transition
  • Support for loading specific sections like header and footer
  • URL update without page refresh
  • Custom events for content load completion
  • Ability to load CSS and JavaScript files dynamically
  • Built-in loader element for visual feedback during content loading


You can include DynamicLoaderJS in your project by downloading the DynamicLoader.js file and including it in your HTML file:

<script src="path/to/DynamicLoader.js">script>

Alternatively, you can use a CDN by including the following script tag…

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Table of Contents

  • Features
  • Installation
  • Usage
  • Examples
  • Contributing
  • License
  • Credits


  • Dynamic loading of content into HTML elements
  • Smooth animation effects during content transition
  • Support for loading specific sections like header and footer
  • URL update without page refresh
  • Custom events for content load completion
  • Ability to load CSS and JavaScript files dynamically
  • Built-in loader element for visual feedback during content loading


You can include DynamicLoaderJS in your project by downloading the DynamicLoader.js file and including it in your HTML file:

Alternatively, you can use a CDN by including the following script tag in your HTML file:


  1. Add the data-load attribute to the HTML element where you want to load the content. Set the value of data-load to the URL of the content you want to load.
 data-load="page1.html" data-target="#content">
  • The data-load attribute specifies the URL of the content to be loaded.
  • The data-target attribute specifies the selector of the target element where the content will be loaded.
  1. Optionally, you can add the data-loader attribute to show a loader during content loading. Set data-loader to “true” to enable the loader.
  2. Use data-title to change the document title after click.
 data-load="page1.html" data-target="#content" data-loader="true" data-title="Page1">
  1. You can also load specific sections like header and footer separately. Add the data-load attribute to the respective HTML element and specify the target selector using the data-target attribute.
 data-load="header.html" >
 data-load="footer.html" >
  1. To load CSS or JavaScript files dynamically, use the loadFile function with the URL of the file and the file type as parameters.
DynamicLoader.loadFile('https://cdn.example.com/styles.css', 'css');
DynamicLoader.loadFile('https://cdn.example.com/script.js', 'js');
  1. You can also load content into an element using JavaScript by calling DynamicLoader.load() and passing the selector, URL, and optional loader element.
DynamicLoader.load('#op', 'page3.html');

This will load the content from page3.html into the element with the selector #op.


For detailed usage examples, please refer to the Examples directory in this repository.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or bug reports, please create an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Created with ❤️ by SH20RAJ

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