My current life ethos has to be about not overcommitting, so I’m keeping this as real and attainable as possible! Thanks @michaeltharrington for the helpful template <3
Professional Goals:
- Goal: I’d love to write some code – literally anything. It’s been a while but I really miss using my brain in that way and I want to feel closer to what we’ve built.
- Action Steps: Well, Codespaces is A Thing now (yes, it’s really been that long!) so that has lowered the barrier dramatically. My plan is to get set up there and make some copy adjustments in one of our automated emails to start.
- Timeline: I actually have a WIP PR right now but I forgot about tests so need to give that some consideration. It can feel difficult to justify spending time on something that would take my teammates 2 minutes to do, so I will probably save this as a Friday afternoon task one of these upcoming Fridays 😅
Personal Aspirations:
- Aspiration: I’d like to set up an automation where I can get my google home to warm up my car by voice command or automatically lock it after X amount of time. I’ve dug through some docs and it seems very doable and fun!
- Why it Matters: Well, it would be nice for my car to be locked more often — my mother in law’s car literally got stolen in front of our house a few weeks ago! Note: the reason my car is unlocked a lot is because it automatically unlocks when we walk by it with the key in our pocket, and we just don’t notice a lot of the times 😩 – we haven’t disabled it because that is a nice feature when I’m wrangling groceries + a toddler. Pros and cons!
- Support System: Gosh, I don’t really know. It seems impossible to find any time in the day! I’ve been talking about it with my partner more and reading about the subject matter so I will be ready to jump at the opportunity should a chunk of time fall in my lap.
DEV Community Contributions:
- Contribution Goal: I’m reading more content than ever before! It’s been a lot of fun and I hope to elevate our authors, esp. folks who are newer to the platform.
- Collaboration Plans: I’ve been playing with our threads account and would appreciate any and all feedback, or just some love, if you’re on there!
- Measuring Impact: On the threads front, I’ll be looking at our reactions to understand what is resonating most with the community.