The manager’s toolkit: Setting up your team for success in product marketing


The manager's toolkit: Setting up your team for success in product marketing

This article is based on Daniel’s brilliant talk at the Product Marketing Misunderstood event. PMA members can enjoy the session in its full glory here.  

Hi there! My name’s Daniel Kuperman, and I work in product marketing for Atlassian. Here, I’m going to share what I wish I’d known when I first became a people manager.

When I first got promoted to a management position, I was simply given four people and told to run with it. I’d had my share of bad managers, and I knew the obvious things not to do. I’d also had some good managers who I wanted to emulate. But what I didn’t have was guidance on how not only to manage the work my team would do, but how to manage the people doing it. 

If you’re a new manager, you’ve probably wondered things like: How do I start? What do I do first? How can I avoid stress for my team and myself? That’s what I’m going to help you with today.

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