From service provider to strategic partner: Level up your PMM game


From service provider to strategic partner: Level up your PMM game

This article has been adapted from Sudha’s brilliant talk at the exclusive Product Marketing Misunderstood event. PMA members can watch the recording in its full unedited glory here.

Are you ever overwhelmed or caught off guard by questions and requests from partners? Do you wish you had more influence to drive strategic priorities?

Don’t worry – I’m here to equip you with the skills and frameworks you need to become a highly strategic, influential product marketing leader who can confidently navigate requests, drive business outcomes, and shift from reactive support to proactive partnership.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • How to think strategically
  • A structured approach to problem solving
  • Skills for distilling and conveying insights effectively
  • Ways to cultivate personal presence and credibility
  • Tactics to bring partners along and drive influence

When you nail these skills, you’ll be equipped to step up and guide the business toward the future like the strategic leader you were meant to be.

Let’s jump right in. 

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