

The other day, I asked a question about how and when to understand the use of methods. I was feeling like what I am I going to do with this or understand when to use them. Felt like it was something to do with something that I just didn’t quite grasp. The answers I felt helped. Then, I was up in the air again, when faced with another task. Not quite methods, but they were there front and center. More the practical application. That I think I find daunting. I do look forward to understanding when to use them, how to use them and how to define my own. So I won’t feel like I’m in the middle of two lanes, trying to figure out which one of the sides to drive on, right or left. That’s what it puts me in the mind of. When will I drive normal in software dev. When will I not feel like _.what in the world? We shall see. I remember feeling like that when I was driving. I feel normal now. I hope to feel the same with software dev one day. I will see it as when, instead of if.

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