Host your own 🖊️blog, chat, community and courses for FREE🆓.


We made it after a long work; we installed our own moodle instance.
But why should you register with our instance?
There are mutliple reasons for this; first of all you can chat privately with all people; no one will know your private messages.
Then here is the best way to host your own blog for FREE.

Moodle installieren • Schächner

In dieser Anleitung zeigen wir euch heute, wie ihr die Lernplattform Moodle installieren könnt.


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But the best thing is that you can create your own courses by adding different materials; here you can create quizzes, community, public chat, file, book, assignment, poll and much more!

That’s why we would be happy if you register on our Moodle instance for free and then give courses on technology or just chat with your friends privately or in a community.

How do you find that?
Feel free to write it in the comments!
Thank you, schBenedikt

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