Pricing and packaging: Working as a cross-functional team


Pricing and packaging: Working as a cross-functional team

Hey there! My name is Andrea Bailiff-Gush, and I’m the Head of Product Marketing at a startup called AppOmni.

I think we all have superpowers as product marketers and my superpower is cross-functional collaboration, which is a big part of what we’re going to focus on today as we dive into how to price and package a product, make it a strategic revenue driver in your organization, and get a seat at the table when pricing decisions are being made.

Pricing and packaging: Working as a cross-functional team

In this article, I’ll be focusing on:

  • What pricing and packing is
  • B2B pricing and plans
  • Why product marketing needs to be involved in pricing decisions
  • The pricing dream team
  • How to build a pricing team
  • Pricing team objectives
  • How to communication pricing decisions internally
  • How to make pricing strategy a strategic revenue driver
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