A Developer’s Guide to Avoiding the Pitfalls of Exposing the Domain Layer


There are several reasons why developers may tend to develop domain and domain repositories exposing to the application layer

  • Lack of understanding of the architecture: Developers who are not familiar with the principles of good software architecture may not fully understand the importance of separating the domain and application layers.
  • Time constraints: Developers may be under pressure to deliver features quickly and may not take the time to properly separate the domain and application layers.
  • Lack of experience: Developers who lack experience in building large, complex applications may not have the knowledge or skills to properly separate the domain and application layers.
  • Lack of planning: Developers may not have taken the time to plan out the architecture of the application and may make decisions on the fly that lead to the domain and application layers being tightly coupled.
  • Lack of consideration for long-term maintainability: Developers may not be thinking about the long-term maintenance and scalability of the application and may not see the benefits of keeping the domain and application layers separate.
  • Complexity of the domain: Developers may find it difficult to separate the domain and application layers because the domain is complex and requires a lot of knowledge about the domain.

It’s important to note that exposing domain and domain repositories to app layer could cause technical debt in the long run. It’s better to avoid this kind of design and invest time to plan the architecture of the application in a way that separates the concerns and make the application more maintainable and scalable.

Thank you for reading ❤️.

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