Expert advice for inspiring an underachieving product marketing team (and why it happens)


Expert advice for inspiring an underachieving product marketing team (and why it happens)

The reality of working with a team is that sometimes, despite everyone’s best efforts, product marketing goals may not be achieved. This can be a daunting and disheartening experience, as when we fail to reach goals, it can seriously affect the whole organization.

So, it becomes necessary to find a way to solve the problem and ensure your team reaches its goals the next time. But how do you do that? As luck would have it, your team failing to reach goals isn’t the first or last time a situation like this occurs.

And fear not, as this guide will explain how to deal with these situations.

In this article, I’ll focus on:

  • Three steps when your product marketing team isn’t reaching its goals
  • Three factors that prevent your team from reaching its goals

So with all that said, let’s begin.

What should you do when your product marketing team isn’t reaching its goals?

Leaders must ensure teams produce successful results that benefit the company and themselves. So when a team fails to reach its goals, leaders must sit down and communicate ideas that eliminate the issue in the future.

Luckily, that can be achieved in three simple steps. Those are:

Analyze the mistakes

Mistakes happen in the workplace all the time. However, some mistakes have more significant implications than others.

Once the cause of the issue has been identified, you and your team can take the necessary steps to prevent future occurrences. Analyzing and discussing mistakes can be difficult, but it’s an essential part of the learning process if you want to improve as a team.

Creating an open forum where everyone can express their thoughts and opinions without fear of judgment or criticism is essential. You must focus on the positive aspects of the experience, such as individual growth and development, to keep everyone motivated despite the mistakes that lead to the situation where you currently find yourself.

Remedy the mistakes

Analyzing the mistakes will provide the necessary information to determine why the mistake occurred in the first place. Therefore, the next logical step is to remedy the mistakes.

This could involve a few things, including changing the goal, altering the action plan, or adjusting the existing workflow. Sometimes, it could be due to a lack of tools or leadership structure.

Regardless of the cause for not reaching goals, acting upon the information at hand is the best course of action. This could mean something as simple as providing more support or resources to the team members.

Ultimately, it’s important to ensure that everyone is on board and that there is open communication between everyone involved. Since the goal is to ensure failure doesn’t happen again, teams must take the necessary steps to eradicate potential leadership structure issues or software deficiency.

Create a winning strategy

Once adjustments have been made, the next step is to create a winning strategy. This is the most important step when dealing with such situations, as anything but a positive outcome will result in a repeat of the same mistakes.

Creating a winning strategy could involve finding innovative solutions to existing problems or taking advantage of new opportunities. It’s also important to ensure that everyone is working together and that the team is well-organized.

Finally, it’s vital to determine if the teams’ goals are realistic and easily achievable. Sometimes teams fail to reach goals due to unrealistic expectations. If that’s the case, setting realistic goals and continually assessing the team’s progress is essential for future success.

Which three factors can prevent your product marketing team from reaching its goals?

While every project requires a different approach to success, certain factors play a key role in your team’s ability to produce successful results.

By determining the most crucial factors, leaders ensure teams are best equipped to tackle any project and produce desired outcomes. So, let’s look at the most common factors that prevent your team from reaching its goals.

Poor communication

Poor communication is often a major factor that prevents teams from achieving their goals.

Team members must collaborate and understand each other’s roles and responsibilities to communicate tasks effectively. Misunderstandings can lead to disagreements among team members, which can negatively affect team morale and productivity.

To ensure success, it’s essential that everyone is on the same page and that there’s clear and consistent communication between all team members.

Unrealistic goals

We already mentioned that setting unrealistic goals is one way to set your team up for failure, regardless of how good your team is. But it’s also important to understand that setting unrealistic goals is a major factor preventing your team from reaching its goals.

Setting unrealistic goals leads to discouragement and burnout, as team members may be unable to meet the set expectations.

Additionally, finding the motivation to work towards a goal that seems impossible to achieve can be difficult. To avoid this, ensure that your goals for your team are attainable and within reach.

Tune into the Goald Standard Podcast and learn how to set attainable goals and execute with precision, with expert intel from host Scott Shapiro and guest Angela Byers, Senior Director of Product Marketing Management at Microsoft.

Lack of team chemistry

The last factor that can prevent your team from reaching its goals is a lack of team chemistry.

It can be difficult to work together effectively without good chemistry between team members. A lack of team chemistry means a lack of trust and respect. Therefore, it makes it hard to collaborate and get tasks accomplished efficiently.

Unresolved conflicts can also lead to a lack of motivation and enthusiasm among team members, which can affect the team’s overall success.


To summarize, there are several ways to deal with a team that is not reaching its goals. Moreover, important factors play a crucial role in your team’s success.

It’s important to analyze the situation objectively, identify the root cause, and then create an effective strategy to rectify it. Additionally, open communication and realistic goals are crucial to success.

With the right approach and attitude, you can ensure that your team will be well-equipped to reach its goals in the future.

Introducing the State of Product Marketing Metrics Survey 2023

Metrics and reporting play an important role in helping product marketing teams determine whether goals are being fulfilled, or not.

In 2022, our research indicated 56.4% of product marketers identified metrics/reporting as one of their core responsibilities – and let’s face it, it’s easy to see why.

The process plays a pivotal role in supporting PMM teams, and orgs as a whole, in determining areas of success, and potential areas for improvement. It’s also a key ingredient in ensuring PMMs are tracking their goals, outcomes and progress with maximum effectiveness.

With this in mind, we’re honing in on the intricacies of the topic, bringing you answers to key questions, including:

📈 What are the most common PMM metrics?
📣 How’re PMMs sharing metrics and results with other teams?
✅ How do leaders use metrics and reporting to assess their team?
🛠 What’re the go-to metrics tools used by PMMs?
😰 Which challenges do PMMs often face when reporting on metrics?
💰 How much budget is devoted to metrics/reporting?

But first, we need your input. Your support. Your expertise.

Take our short survey, as we prepare to write a report that’ll reshape your approach to metrics and help you optimize your goals….👇

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