A year in review (2022)


Cross post from emmettnaughton.com

First, I’ve got to work with wonderful people, which helped make the challenging parts of this year bearable.

I got the opportunity twice this year to get in on some very cool companies building exciting products.


I got to work on making online gifting better and more accessible to brands, and who doesn’t like getting gifts?

  • Built features to help get over 500 merchants to use Govalo as their gifting platform.
  • Learned Typescript
  • Built an email redemption app
  • Contextual Savebar
  • A lot of customizations
  • Knowing things I built helped merchants pad their stats on Black Friday/Cyber Monday (BFCM)
  • Over 270 contributions from Jan-May 2022


I worked with an incredible group.

  • Over 319 contributions
  • Learned Vue/Nuxt
  • Learned Prisma
  • Built multiple features
  • Leveled up my UI skills

Here are some stats!

github wrapped stats

Those were just professional achievements.
Here are the things that happened too.


  • Broke 250 Dads
  • Saw many Dads get their first tech jobs.
  • Homes bought

Very thankful for this community that has watched me ride the tidal waves of moving from a busy ER job to a tech job. CoderDads helped me through 2 layoffs this year.

I was on some podcasts/live streams this year! If you have a podcast, I would love to come on and share my story.


Gaelan Trombley show (Last year, but close enough)


Guidance Counselor 2.0

Janitor to Software Engineer Roadmap with Emmett Naughton

It’s been a wild year.
I am looking for my next adventure. I am working on a few personal projects now.
I am going into the New Year rested and ready to be an asset to my next company.

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