5 Scenarios When a Low-code Platform Fails to Work Properly


An application structure that is supposed to be the most typical low-code limit. Few application patterns, such as choose, conclude, or compare, is supported by almost all low-code tools. It saves time for programming and frees up the developerโ€™s routine from handling many common files and records in tasks to his project manager, but it also limits the applicationโ€™s functionality.

So, real-world low-code solutions, like Retool, Bubble, Webflow, or even Builder Studio do not work with the programming language updates; after all, they override them. The fact that only one person can work on it slows the development process and puts the projectโ€™s velocity at a risk seems to be a new world in the development cycle. Relying on tabular or drag-and-drop functionality is a similar restriction.

Five simple scenarios where LCDP doesn’t work is here.

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