Fully expand PR status checks on GitHub


One thing I absolutely love about working on the Web is that I can literally tweak any web page according to my preferences.

You know, I can build a browser extension that changes colors, font sizes, improves accessibility, moves boxes, removes things I donโ€™t need, etc. I can also write my own bookmarklet for doing the same.

This is what I did recently after patiently enduring what I consider to be an annoying limitation on the PR (Pull Request) status checks list on GitHub.

PR status checks is a list of checks that show the status of all pipeline runs related to a PR. They are usually the last section on the PR page right before the โ€œmergeโ€ button and the comment section.

What annoys me about this list is that it canโ€™t be fully expanded. Thereโ€™s a toggle to either hide all checks or show them but the list has a set height that limits how many items can be shown at a time. And sometimes the list can be quite long. If a run fails, it becomes quite annoying to scroll up and down to find what has failed.

So I built my own bookmarklet that simply removes the height and thus the list expands fully. Needless to say, I use it all time now ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Hereโ€™s a video ๐Ÿ‘‡

Image description

In case you want to use it too, hereโ€™s the source code:

javascript: (() => {
  ).style.maxHeight = 'none';

Happy coding ๐Ÿ˜‰

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