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36 posts
Python Development in VSCode Using Devcontainer
Python Development in VSCode Using Devcontainer In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to set up…
Save 1000 hours in development time. VSCode shortcuts & Window Management
Cover photo by SpaceX Starlink Mission If you could save 2 minutes every hour of development for 20…
The Challenge of Newbness
When you know just enough you’re a danger to your code Here I am going about my day…
50 Must-Know VS Code Extensions for Faster Development 🚀
Hey there, fellow coder! 👋 Are you spending more time tweaking your code than writing it? 😅 Do…
Cool VSCode Extensions that that I’ve discovered
Recently, I revisited a React side project that I had abandoned last year. In doing so, I discovered…
How To Use JSON with Comments for Configs
Most of the tools we use daily in the Node.js ecosystem utilize config files that support various formats…
Ferramentas que não podem faltar no setup de um(a) dev
Olá devs! Este artigo é resultado de um dos bate-papos que fizemos lá na nossa comunidade no Discord,…
How to view server logs in real-time in VS Code
Ever wondered how to view log files in real time without downloading them? I recently needed it, as…
Migrating SQL Server to Azure SQL Database with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Introduction Databases from an on-premises SQL Server instance can be moved to an Azure SQL Database (offline) using…
23 Best VS Code Themes in 2024
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is an open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It has been my favorite…