How to Conduct Product Feedback Surveys (Questions + Templates)


Uber has mastered gathering real-time feedback from customers and drivers, making product feedback surveys an integral part of its service. After every ride, users rate their experience on a 5-point scale and can add comments. This immediate feedback helps Uber ensure customer satisfaction and quickly address any issues.

If a driver’s rating falls below a certain threshold, Uber can deactivate them, ensuring that the quality of service remains high. Meanwhile, drivers, too, can rate passengers and report any problems they encounter. This two-way feedback loop enhances user and driver experiences and gives Uber valuable insights to improve the product continuously.

In this article, we’ll guide you through creating practical survey questions and using customer feedback tools to enhance your product development and marketing efforts.

What Is a Product Feedback Survey?

A product feedback survey is a tool for gathering feedback directly from customers or end users about a specific product or service. It typically consists of questions designed to get feedback on various aspects of the product, such as its features, usability, design, and overall customer satisfaction.

Product feedback surveys serve as a vital bridge between businesses or product managers and their customers. They help to:

  • Identify customer pain points, allowing businesses to address issues proactively and foster loyalty
  • Tailor features by pinpointing what resonates most with the target audience, ensuring products meet customer needs
  • Improve usability by informing user-centered design, making products more intuitive and easy to use
  • Address concerns by showing that businesses value customer input and are committed to providing excellent service

Product feedback is crucial for enhancing customer experience and shaping consumer behavior. It shows you how people use your product and what needs fixing. This helps you make improvements that better meet their needs and expectations. 

For example, Figma collects feedback through its public FigJam community forum and private channels like email or chat for detailed input. It also uses beta-testing feedback to refine its products. This helps Figma tailor features to user needs and enhance the overall experience.

Top Questions to Ask in a Product Feedback Survey

To create a useful product feedback survey, focus on questions that provide clear user insights. You want to understand your customers’ experiences and pinpoint areas for improvement. The right product feedback survey questions can reveal what users love, what frustrates them, and how your product fits into their lives. 

Here are some top questions and feedback form templates for different types of product surveys to help you collect customer feedback and gain valuable insights.

1. Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a widely used metric that measures customer loyalty and advocacy.  It categorizes respondents into three groups – promoters, passives, and detractors–to gain deeper insights into customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

For example, the most commonly asked question in such surveys is, ‘On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend [company/product] to a friend or colleague?’.

This is asked with rating scale options, where those rating 0-6 would be classed as detractors, 7-8 as passives, and 9-10 promoters.

The rating can be followed up by qualitative questions, such as ‘Why did you give [company/product] that rating?’ or ‘What could we do to improve your experience with [company/product]?’

You can use a project management tool like ClickUp to create, distribute, and manage your surveys efficiently. With the ClickUp Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey Template, you can create flexible, fully customizable, and ready-to-use surveys with pre-written content that can be modified according to your needs.

Get actionable insights on customer loyalty and satisfaction with ClickUp Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey Template

This template is designed to provide a comprehensive and efficient way to gauge customer satisfaction and loyalty. It offers a range of customizable features to suit your specific needs, such as Custom statuses to track progress, Custom fields to collect additional data points, and Custom views for efficient analysis. 

2. Customer Effort Score (CES) surveys

CES measures customers’ perceived effort put into interacting with a company. Also called a customer satisfaction score, it helps identify areas where customer experience can be improved and determines the levels of customer advocacy.

Some sample questions that can be asked under this survey type:

  • On a scale of 1-5, how easy was it to resolve your issue today?
  • What steps did you have to take to resolve your issue?
  • What could we have done differently to make the process easier?

3. Usability testing surveys

Usability testing surveys assess how easy a product is to use. They often involve observing users and asking follow-up questions. 

Here are a few example questions for this survey type:

  • How easy was finding the [feature] you were looking for?
  • Did you encounter any difficulties while using the product?
  • What could we improve to make the product easier to use?

You can use the ClickUp Usability Testing Template to interact with users and understand issues before deploying your product or service in the market. 

Leverage different custom statuses, flexible views, automation, AI, and more to craft surveys with the ClickUp Usability Testing Template

This Whiteboard template provides a structured framework for gathering and analyzing user feedback loops. It helps you identify pain points, uncover opportunities, and optimize your product design. You can use Custom fields to categorize and add attributes to your usability tests, such as participant demographics, testing date, and key findings.

4. Customer onboarding feedback survey

These surveys gauge the effectiveness of a company’s onboarding process for new customers. They are often regarded as part of customer lifecycle marketing and are early indicators of new user engagement or churn risk. 

Here are a few survey questions to ask:

  • How easy was it to get started with [the product]?
  • How helpful were the onboarding materials?
  • Did you feel confident using the product after completing the onboarding process?
  • What could we improve about the onboarding process?

5. Software evaluation survey

Software evaluation surveys help software creators understand how users perceive, interact with, and feel about their products.  By collecting feedback directly from the source, developers can measure user satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to enhance their software’s overall quality and performance.

You might ask questions like these:

  • How satisfied are you with the overall performance of the software?
  • Are there any specific features that you find particularly valuable?
  • What are the biggest challenges you face when using the software?
  • How does the software compare to other similar products you’ve used?

6. Product experience survey

Product experience surveys can help businesses learn about customer needs and wants and provide 360-degree feedback on product design, function, and market fit. They can also help businesses understand how well they are performing and where they can improve to provide a great customer experience. 

Here are some example questions you might include in your customer satisfaction surveys:

  • How did you first hear about our product?
  • What was your initial impression of the product?
  • How satisfied are you with the overall product experience?
  • What do you think could be improved to make the product even better?

7. Product pricing survey

A product pricing survey, also known as a pricing study, is a research method that asks questions to a target market to help determine the best price for a product or service. 

Some questions you might ask in such a survey include:

  • How would you rate the overall value you receive from our product? (Use a scale of 1-5)
  • How do you perceive the value of our product compared to competitors’ offerings?
  • What specific features or benefits would you be willing to pay (extra) for?
  • Would you be interested in a subscription-based model for our product? If so, what would be a reasonable monthly or annual fee?

The survey can help inform pricing strategies by providing insights into customers’ willingness to pay, what features are most important, and how they perceive the product’s value.

8. Product market fit surveys

Product market fit surveys are valuable tools for determining whether your product resonates with your target market. They help you gauge customer satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and assess the overall viability of your product in the marketplace. 

Here are five sample questions you can include in your product market fit survey:

  • Does our product effectively solve a significant problem or fulfill your needs?
  • How well does our product fit with your needs and preferences?
  • How satisfied are you with the overall product experience?
  • Would you recommend our product to a friend or colleague?
  • Is the price of our product reasonable considering the value it provides?

Key tips for creating survey questions

Getting high-quality responses can make or break your survey. When done right, response rates can soar past 85%—about 43 of every 50 invitations sent. But if your survey isn’t crafted well, you might see response rates drop below 2%. 

Petco values customer feedback, which is evident in their straightforward survey after a store visit. The quick email survey is easy to complete with just one click to rate the experience. It’s efficient and on-brand, reflecting Petco’s commitment to customer satisfaction.

Petco values customer feedback
via Hubspot

Here’s how to ensure you ask the right questions and get the valuable feedback you need.

  • Avoid jargon or technical terms: Instead of asking, ‘What is your perceived level of satisfaction with our product’s UX?’ try, ‘How easy was it to use our product?’
  • Keep questions short and to the point: Avoid overly complex or lengthy questions. For example, instead of asking, ‘How would you rate the overall quality of our product, including its features, functionality, and performance?’ simply ask, ‘How would you rate the overall quality of our product?’
  • Avoid leading questions: Instead of asking, ‘Do you agree that our product is superior to our competitors?’ ask, ‘How does our product compare to similar products on the market?’
  • Use neutral language: Avoid phrases that could bias respondents’ answers. For example, instead of asking, ‘Isn’t our product amazing?’ ask, ‘What do you like most about our product?’
  • Ask only one question at a time: Instead of asking, ‘Do you find our product easy to use and affordable?’ ask two separate questions: ‘How easy is it to use our product?’ and ‘Do you think our product is priced fairly?’
  • Explain the purpose of the survey: Let respondents know why their input is important. For example, you could say, ‘Your feedback will help us improve our product and better meet your needs’
  • Guide customers on how to answer questions: Use clear and concise instructions. For example, you could say, ‘Please rate your satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being very dissatisfied and 5 being very satisfied.’
  • Mix-up question types: Use a combination of multiple-choice, open-ended, and rating scale questions to gather different data types. For example, you could ask a multiple-choice question like, ‘What is your primary reason for using our product?’ followed by an open-ended question like, ‘Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with our product?’

💡Pro Tip: ClickUp Brain‘s AI Writer can help you create effective and error-free questions to include in your survey. Just put in a prompt and turn the generated output into a ClickUp Doc to get started.

Designing an Effective Product Feedback Survey

Creating a product feedback survey might seem straightforward, but getting it right can make a huge difference. With ClickUp, you can easily design surveys that gather useful insights and keep your process smooth and efficient. 

ClickUp Docs

ClickUp Docs enables you to create structured and visually appealing surveys that are easy for respondents to complete. With collaborative editing, all team members can contribute to the effort.

ClickUp Docs 
Ask questions, give feedback, or assign tasks by simply commenting on ClickUp Docs 

You can:

  • Use pages and subpages to organize your survey questions and responses
  • Add cover images and page icons to enhance the visual appeal
  • Use rich text formatting to make your survey more engaging
  • Collaborate with your team using comments to discuss survey results and plan next steps

ClickUp Forms

ClickUp Forms streamlines the survey process with customizable fields and dynamic question logic. 

ClickUp Forms
Use different types of custom fields to get detailed insights on your product feedback surveys using ClickUp Forms

Key features and benefits of ClickUp Forms:

  • Customizable fields: Create custom fields to capture specific data points relevant to your product feedback survey, such as customer demographics, usage patterns, and satisfaction levels
  • Conditional logic: Dynamically update forms based on respondent’s answers, ensuring that only relevant questions are displayed
  • Automations: Automatically route form responses to the appropriate team members or create tasks for follow-up actions
  • Analytics and reporting: Track survey completion rates, analyze responses, and generate reports to gain insights into customer feedback

Product feedback survey templates from ClickUp

You can also use free ClickUp product feedback survey templates for different types of feedback surveys, so you won’t have to create them from scratch!

1. Product Feedback Survey Template

Improve your product after receiving feedback with this all-in-one ClickUp Product Feedback Survey Template

Customer feedback is essential for understanding your local market’s unique needs and preferences. ClickUp’s Product Feedback Survey Template is designed to help you gather valuable customer insights. 

You can track the progress of your surveys with statuses like ‘In Review’, ‘Reviewed’, and ‘To Review,’ and use Custom fields to Collect detailed information about customer satisfaction, usage patterns, and demographics.

2. Feedback Form Template

Customize, track, and derive insights from customer feedback all in one place with the ClickUp Feedback Form Template

Are you tired of struggling to gather and organize customer feedback? ClickUp Feedback Form Template is here to simplify the process and provide you with valuable insights to drive your business forward. 

Use it to easily create and distribute customized feedback forms, manage all your feedback in one place using the Feedback View, and brainstorm and store feedback-related ideas with the Overall Recommendation Board View

3. Voice of the Customer Template

Create successful customer experiences by collecting and analyzing customer feedback in real-time with ClickUp Voice of the Customer Template

ClickUp’s Voice of the Customer Template helps gather valuable insights from your existing customers, and you can make data-driven decisions to improve your products, services, and overall customer experience. 

Create custom surveys for various channels, including email, product feedback software, social media, or forms in ClickUp. Analyze the data with the Table View and turn action points into tasks in ClickUp. 

Principles and Best Practices for Creating Effective Product Feedback Surveys

As a customer representative, marketing professional, or product manager, you gather valuable insights that drive product development and enhance customer satisfaction. These best practices can ensure that your surveys yield actionable data and foster stronger relationships with your customers.

  • Target the right audience and ask the right questions: Identify your target audience and tailor your product survey questions accordingly. Focus on questions that will provide valuable insights for product development and improvement. Consider using personas to guide your survey questions
  • Adopt an omnichannel approach: Distribute your survey through multiple channels, such as email, social media, in-app notifications, or in-person interactions. Promote effectively using creative tactics like incentives or gamification
  • Set clear goals and objectives: Define your purpose and align your questions with your objectives. Prioritize the most important questions to avoid overwhelming respondent
  • Be creative: Use innovative question formats or visual aids to make your survey engaging. Personalize the experience to resonate with your customer’s individual needs and preferences
  • Manage bias: Avoid leading questions and provide balanced options. Use randomized question order to prevent respondents from anticipating answers
  • Ensure anonymity: Protect privacy and encourage candid feedback. Consider using a third-party survey tool to provide added assurance of confidentiality
  • Create a communication plan: Set expectations, schedule reminders, and offer incentives to motivate participation
  • Leverage loyalty and subscription models: Reward loyal customers and understand subscription preferences to gather valuable insights
  • Don’t ignore partial responses: Analyze incomplete data to gain insights and encourage continued participation

Processing and Implementing Feedback from Product Surveys

Now that you have collected user feedback, it’s time to turn those insights into actionable steps that make a real difference for your users. 

Here’s how you can go about it:

  • Leverage data analysis tools: Use software like Excel, Google Sheets, ClickUp Table view, or specialized market research tools to analyze survey data and identify trends, patterns, and correlations
  • Create visualizations: Visualize data using charts, graphs, and dashboards to gain insights and communicate findings effectively
  • Segment data: Analyze data based on different customer segments (e.g., demographics, psychographics) to identify specific needs and preferences
  • Use AI-powered tools: Explore AI-driven tools that can automate data analysis and provide more sophisticated insights

💡Pro Tip: ClickUp Brain, the platform’s integrated AI assistant, can analyze data collected through surveys, summarize the insights for you, and even suggest the next steps.

Applying survey results to improve overall user experience

Once you’ve analyzed your survey results, you should apply the insights to enhance the overall user experience and significantly increase customer satisfaction. 

Here’s how product managers can use this feedback:

  • Personalization: Tailor product features and recommendations based on customer personas. For example, suggest personalized content based on past user behavior
  • Customer journey optimization: Identify pain points and bottlenecks in the customer journey and implement improvements. For instance, streamline checkout processes to reduce cart abandonment
  • Emotional connection: Find the emotional impact of your product and design experiences that resonate with customers more deeply. An example could be creating a more engaging onboarding process to make users feel valued

Interpreting and implementing feedback with ClickUp’s Dashboard

A centralized tool for tracking progress in real-time, monitoring customer satisfaction, and testing new features is crucial for effectively implementing changes based on survey feedback. ClickUp Dashboards and software testing tools provide a powerful solution for streamlining this process.

ClickUp Dashboard
Add any card to create a ClickUp Dashboard from scratch to get detailed insights from your product feedback surveys

Here’s how to use ClickUp Dashboard to implement user feedback : 

  • Visualize key metrics: Create dashboards to display essential data such as personal progress, team’s tracked time, and project performance
  • Streamline access: Share dashboards with all relevant members in your workspace for easy access and reference
  • Customize with cards: Add cards to display specific information, such as charts of total tasks or assignee-based data
  • Monitor customer interactions: Track customer incidents and risks to identify areas for improvement
  • Analyze customer segments: Surface the riskiest segments and understand potential churn reasons
  • Forecast revenue: Predict revenue across regions and teams based on customer data

Build Better Products with ClickUp

Product feedback surveys are more than just questionnaires; they’re a powerful tool for listening, understanding, and growing. Crafting thoughtful surveys helps you build meaningful relationships with your audience while gathering valuable insights.

To create a survey that captures your customers’ thoughts, start by defining your goals. What are you hoping to learn? What actions will you take based on the feedback? With a clear direction, design your survey to be concise, engaging, and focused on key questions.

ClickUp simplifies this process with its Docs feature for creating well-structured surveys, Forms for seamless response collection, and Dashboards for visualizing data effectively. 

Plus, with free templates available, you can easily get started.

Sign up for ClickUp today and take the first step toward creating products your customers will love!

The post How to Conduct Product Feedback Surveys (Questions + Templates) appeared first on ClickUp.

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