GitHub: learning about the feature called Issues☕


What is an “issue” about?

  • Issues are used to track bugs and suggest improvements, providing a step-by-step control of our project. To reference a commit to an issue, simply add #[issue number] after the sentence in the commit command. Example:
git commit -m “my example #1”
  • To close an issue, the command used is:
git commit -m “issue closed closes #1”
  • To indicate that the issue has been fixed, we use the following command:
git commit -m "issue fixed fixes #1"

Step-by-step guide to using Issues:

Access a GitHub repository where the “Issues” feature is enabled.

Feature Issues active

Go to the “Issues” tab located next to “Code” to view the existing Issues.

Issues tab

Create a new Issue by clicking the “New Issue” button next to “Labels” and “Milestones.”

Button to create an Issue

Now you have access to various tools for creating an Issue, starting with the basics: a title and a detailed description of the topic being addressed.

Tools to write an issue

On the side, there are tools to help manage Issues. First, there’s “Assignees,” which refers to the people responsible for working on the Issue. Then, “Labels,” which act as tags to categorize different types of Issues. “Milestone” is essentially a goal or target to be achieved. In the “Development” section, you’ll see branches and pull requests related to that Issue.

Management tools

Now that the Issue has been created, comments can be added to allow team members to collaborate and resolve the Issue. Below, if you are the owner or a collaborator of the repository, you can close the Issue in two ways: “Close as completed,” which means the issue was resolved, or “Close as not planned,” meaning the issue wasn’t resolved or something else happened.

After posting the issue

After creating the Issue, there are some additional options if you are the owner or a collaborator of the repository. “Lock conversation” removes the permission for other users to comment on the Issue. “Pin issue” allows you to pin up to three Issues to the top. “Transfer Issue” moves the Issue to another repository without deleting it from the current one. “Delete Issue” completely removes the Issue instead of simply closing it.

Tools for issue creators

If you liked this post and it helped you better understand a GitHub feature, how about checking out other posts about Git and GitHub? Take a look at the link ahead! Forks in GitHub

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