Handling product failures, security breaches, and PR disasters: Lessons from the trenches


Handling product failures, security breaches,   and PR disasters: Lessons from the trenches

In product marketing, challenges are inevitable. Every product marketer aspires to release flawless campaigns, hit ambitious targets, and delight customers. 

Yet, even with the best-laid plans, unexpected setbacks such as product failures, security breaches, and PR disasters can knock you off course. It’s in these moments that true resilience and problem-solving come to the forefront.

I’ve been there. A few years ago, I found myself facing one of the most stressful situations of my career. I was working on a consumer subscription service, and like many organizations, we were behind on our numbers. 

We were under immense pressure to close the gap quickly, and we thought we had the perfect solution: a promising partnership that would not only help us reach our targets but potentially exceed them.

But the road to success was far from smooth.

The partnership: A potential game-changer

When you’re behind on your goals, striking a partnership with a complementary company can be a game-changer. For us, this partnership was designed to launch a campaign that would bring in new customers and help us hit our key performance indicators (KPIs).

Everything seemed perfect at first. Our partner brought the audience, and we had the killer offer – designed to attract large volumes of new subscribers.

However, as with many things, the devil was in the details. One of our partner’s key stipulations was a security requirement: they insisted that we generate unique promotional codes to avoid promotion abuse.

This was a non-negotiable term in the contract. It made sense – they didn’t want codes to be shared widely online or used multiple times. But there was one major snag: our internal tools weren’t equipped to generate unique promo codes at the volume required.

The challenge: A ticking clock

This put us in a precarious situation. Without the ability to meet this requirement, we risked not only the success of the campaign but also breaching our contract with the partner.

The clock was ticking, and stress levels were soaring. The team knew we needed to solve the problem, but time and resources were limited.

Here’s where things got even more intense: while the rest of the organization was scrambling, I tried to stay calm and lean into my engineering background. I had always been trained to solve problems under pressure, and this was the perfect moment to put that training to the test.

The solution: Inventing a custom fix

Rather than panic, I pulled my team together for brainstorming sessions. We decided to develop a home-grown solution to generate unique promo codes at scale. This wasn’t an easy fix – it required working nights and weekends, burning the midnight oil, and testing relentlessly to ensure the codes could be produced and distributed as needed.

Working through the stress was tough, but in moments like these, you dig deep. When failure isn’t an option, you push yourself further than you ever thought possible.

Slowly but surely, we built the system to create the necessary volume of unique promo codes. It wasn’t perfect at first, but we iterated quickly, and with a lot of determination, we got it working.

In the end, not only were we able to meet our partner’s security requirements, but we also launched the campaign successfully. And it wasn’t just a “good enough” outcome – we crushed our targets. The campaign performed far beyond expectations, proving that sometimes, the challenges you face can set the stage for your greatest achievements.

Recognition: The “Imagine and Invent Before They Ask” award

In recognition of the team’s effort and my leadership during this challenging time, our Chief Marketing Officer awarded me the “Imagine and Invent Before They Ask” award. This honor was especially meaningful because it symbolized how, when the chips were down, our team found a way not only to deliver but to exceed expectations.

Key lessons for product marketers

Now, looking back, here are some key takeaways from this experience that I hope can help other product marketers who may find themselves facing their own version of a product failure, security issue, or PR disaster.

Stay calm under pressure

In moments of crisis, keeping your cool is half the battle. Panic will cloud your judgment. As a product marketer, you need to see the forest for the trees, understanding both the immediate crisis and the long-term goals.

Leverage your skills

While product marketing is about understanding markets and customers, don’t underestimate the value of your technical skills. In this case, my engineering background was key to finding a solution, but everyone has unique skills they can lean into when the situation calls for it.

Draw on your experience, even if it doesn’t seem directly related to the problem at hand.

Teamwork makes the difference

You may feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, but it’s important to remember that you have a team. Engage them, empower them, and let them contribute to the solution. Working through a crisis as a team not only speeds up the problem-solving process but also strengthens your bond as you face adversity together.

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Handling product failures, security breaches,   and PR disasters: Lessons from the trenches

Adapt and innovate

Sometimes, the solution doesn’t come from a tried-and-true method. In our case, building an entirely new tool wasn’t the first solution that came to mind, but it was what the situation demanded. Be ready to think outside the box and explore alternatives.

Embrace the stress

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when a major setback occurs, but stress can be a powerful motivator. Channel it into action. Recognize that these moments of high pressure are often when you achieve the most growth, both personally and professionally.

Celebrate wins, even during a crisis

Even in the midst of stressful challenges, don’t forget to celebrate small victories along the way. Whether it’s getting one part of a solution to work or seeing a positive outcome from a tough situation, recognizing progress can help keep morale high and push the team to the finish line.

Conclusion: The tough get going

Product failures, security breaches, and PR disasters may feel like the end of the world when you’re in the thick of it, but they also present opportunities to grow, innovate, and demonstrate leadership.

When faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges, remember that if you look deep enough, you will find the reserves to accomplish the mission.

In the end, handling crises isn’t just about fixing the immediate problem – it’s about learning from the experience, growing stronger as a team, and emerging with new strategies to tackle whatever comes next. As they say, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.

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